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Luther Strange and Jessica Medeiros Garrison |
Strange spoke last week at the Dothan Rotary Club and the Houston County Bar Association, refusing to speak with reporters after both events. As Strange was leaving the bar association talk on Tuesday, a reporter for rickeystokesnews.com approached Strange with some questions, only to receive insults about his family in return. (See video at the end of this post.)
Rickey Stokes provides details in a post titled "Luther Strange Takes Digs At My Deceased Dad, My Mother With Alzheimer's, and Me." Here is how Stokes describes his encounter with our state's chief law-enforcement officer:
On Tuesday Strange spoke to the Houston County Bar Association breakfast at Dothan Country Club. Strange made sure he avoided me while he was there. As Strange started to leave I was between the door and the black Ford Expedition used to haul him around. As Strange passed me I asked for a interview and was persistent. After Strange sit down in the Ford Expedition used to haul him around in, he exited the vehicle to downgrade me and my parents.
Strange exited and said he did not interview with people who did not tell the truth, that his parents raised him to tell the truth and apparently I was not raised that way and he would be praying for me. With that said Strange returned to the Ford Expedition used to haul him around in with his Executive Security Agent closing the door. I told Strange he was a chicken for not interviewing and he drove off.
Strange had promised at some point to answer Stokes' questions, but something made him change his mind. What got under Luther Strange's skin? For one, Stokes had criticized Strange's response to the hostage/school bus standoff at Midland City in January. For another, Strange apparently is bothered by our reporting on his long-running affair with former campaign manager Jessica Medeiros Garrison and . . . well, here is Rickey Stokes' perspective:
Second, Strange took offense to the fact I linked to the Legal Schnauzer article where it made reference to allegations that Luther Strange had an extramarital affair with one of his campaign staff persons.
Rickey Stokes did not make the accusation, nor did I find the article. The article was pointed out to me and it needed to be posted. So I linked the article.
I do not know if Strange had an affair, nor did I intend to ask him about it, well until he was avoiding me.
Stokes has other thoughts on why Strange wanted to avoid his questions:
If the information of the Legal Schnauzer is not true, then what is wrong with saying "that is an outright lie, not true at all". Or, are you afraid to answer because you will deny and are afraid of what proof there might be out there that someone might have?
So if you avoid the person out of fear of being asked the tough question, then you can use you Executive Security as a shield and not have to answer. The truth should be the truth, right?
So, Luther is hiding.
The irony of having an adulterer lecture you about honesty surely was not lost on Rickey Stokes. Neither, I'm sure, was the irony of having an adulterer offer you his prayers.
Rickey Stokes has Luther Strange figured out--and that's why the AG wants no part of his questions. Here is a video of their recent confrontation:
This post just made my day. A Classic!
Rickey Stokes got in Big Luther's grill! Good work, the kind MSM won't do.
Luther looks like "Casper the Friendly Ghost." LOL.
I'm pretty sure Big Luther put the local cops up to tailing me last Thursday. He's got to understand that turnabout is fair play. Anytime this Attorney General tries to intimidate, someone can and should push back. If I had the gas money, I'd show up at one of his speeches.
Notice that at no point would Luther Strange let the interviewer get a question out.
You are correct that Rickey Stokes has a significant audience, and it's not just in the Dothan area. Luther was stupid to show this kind of disrespect to Mr. Stokes, on camera.
Luther claims Rickey Stokes wasn't telling the truth about something? About what?
Meet "Luther, the 6-foot-8 and not-so-friendly ghost."
How can I get Luther to pray for me?
I agree with Anon @11:23 AM -
If Rickey Stokes ever prints something that needs to be corrected he does it immediately. You see, Rickey is ethical and that is something Luther Strange is NOT. Strange's list of unethical professional and immoral personal decisions is as long as he (and Jessica's son) are tall.
Yes, I follow Stokes and Schnauzer and I live neither in the Dothan or Birmingham areas. For those (like Strange) that think we the people get information from Fox News or believe what is printed in AL.com or Montgomery Advertiser they are so out of touch. Recent polls show that those who watch FOX are majority white and over 65...kind of like our politicians!
I hope Luther is praying for the heathens who go to the Poarch Creek casinos, which send him money.
This made me LOL:
"The irony of having an adulterer lecture you about honesty surely was not lost on Rickey Stokes. Neither, I'm sure, was the irony of having an adulterer offer you his prayers."
Keep the heat on guys , the truth shall set you free. I suggest instead of "Big Luther" you all should begin referring to him as "Lyin' Luther". Peace out
Rickey Stokes and Legal Schnauzer. Now, that's a nice 1-2 punch. Me likey!
Since the legal tribe and courts in the State of Alabama are protecting and will not investigate or prosecute Big Luther or Bob Riley I guess we will have to prosecute both of them in the Court of Public Opinion. Keep up the good work LS and Rickey Stokes!!!
Anon @ 12:29 PM
One of my favorites is "Loser Strange"! LOL
I recently had a Republican friend tell me that powerful men like Luther Strange and Rob Riley don't care what a blogger writes, that they pay it no attention. I think this story proves that is false.
I just went to the Ricky Stokes website. There is an interesting report there of a hearing today in Dothan regarding electronic bingo in that county in which Big Luther seized almost $300,000. No court reporter so there won't be a record of testimony except what Ricky Stokes reports. Big Luther is paying his outside attorneys big time taxpayer money to represent him as he seeks to protect Indian gaming in Alabama. No Free Enterprise here.
Anon at 3:20--
Thanks for the comment. I believe a hearing is set any day on Center Stage's motion to have its property returned in a forfeiture case. That's probably what the article is about, but I will check the Stokes site to make sure. The judge in that case is a Riley plant, so Luther probably will be allowed to keep the property. Luther petitioned the AL Sup. Ct. to keep the judge in Houston County, while trying to get the judge removed in Macon County. In my view, that's proof that our justice system is crooked, and Luther Strange knows it, as he tries to cherry pick judges.
anyone interested in pro se third party federal action filing for about $150.00 Montgomery federal clerk vs. Luther Strange, Attorney General, State of Alabama, et al; required response within 30 days
Beginning with violation of official oath of office, violation of official bond of office, etc etc
He's on record now as being truthful, as a tax payer I would like to have an answer to questions submitted his office yet to have received response from as group say if were formed [LEGAL]Lawful and Effective Government
for Alabama's Legitimacy
If Luther is so truthful, why didn't he show up to be questioned by Milton McGregor's attorney, Joe Espy, at the hearing on VictoryLand's liquor license? That whole proceeding was set around Luther's schedule, but he did not appear because he knew Espy would call him to testify under oath.
3:48 amended to include "his" required response back to the court within 30 days...
With regards to the gambling issue in Houston County, a hearing for summary judgement requested by the Attorney General's office was held July 31 and is reported on the Ricky Stokes website. No court reporter present but testimony reported by the author of the article, I guess.
Ricky Stokes may be little but he is like a bulldog. Thank you Roger, Ricky, and Bill all of you have what it takes to print the truth. Roger I look forward every morning to reading your articles especially the ones involving Strange. His stand on morality is a joke. He should be ashamed to show his face and Alabama should be ashamed for electing him.
Ricky Stokes is BIAS when it comes to gambling and Luther. I read RSnews every day. I do wish they would report the true news instead of RS opinion. Ricky Stokes hate big Luther and loves the gameing folks. Just follow the articals, you never know if it's true or opinon.
you cant blame one for posting anonymous.I think Luther is a fake,and still is buddy buddy with Bob Riley,I do.Indians,payoffs...wont be long,we will all know.
Best comment on here!
ricky stocks would not know the truth if it hit him in the face...the only reason people read his garbage is to keep up with the police bands that he listens to every minute of the day...his opinions are not worth the space it takes to print them on...what a loser...good for the soul
I saw thru Luther Strange and Robert Bently to start with. I didn't and will not ever vote for either one of them. They both work for the millionaire businessmen in Dothan and other places in Alabama.What they say goes.
anonymous 9:10 a.m. I can tell Ricky has hit a nerve in you. That's what happens when the real truth is exposed the devil gets mad and shows it's ugly face.
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