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Murphy Abigail Shuler: A Watchdog at Work |
As I've noted in a number of posts, Murphy Abigail Shuler (1993-2004) is the real-life schnauzer who inspired this blog. You can see her in action, as watchdog over our home, in the photo at right. And in a higher-power sense, her presence will always be with us.
But in many earthly ways, Legal Schnauzer has come to be driven by our readers. In fact, it was a reader who suggested a few days ago that we should do an end-of-the year "best of" list. And we turned that into a reality, with yesterday's post about Numbers 10-6 on our countdown.
As we follow up today with the top five stories on our list, I realize just how appropriate it is that this idea came from a reader. This blog, after all, largely has become a community project.
Four of the five stories in our 10-6 post yesterday were reported with major input from readers. Only our No. 7 story, about the resignation of UAB president Carol Garrison, did not involve a tip, a document, or some other helpful hint from a reader. Since the mystery of Garrison's departure remains unsolved, we still might get reader input that breaks that story.
Of our top five stories, which we announce today, all of them were driven in one way or another by information from readers. If you are keeping score, nine of our top 10 posts for 2012 had major input from readers.
Does the public matter in an effort to help restore the rule of law to America's courts? It sure as heck does. Our top five posts from 2012 serve as prime examples.
On with the countdown . . .
5. Karl Rove's Bisexual Affair Might Have Sparked His Bizarre Rant on Fox News (June 27)
Summary: A letter from Alabama lawyer Jill Simpson to former White House counsel Robert Bauer reveals that Republican strategist Karl Rove is having a gay affair with Ali Akbar, president of a right-leaning bloggers' association. Simpson's letter comes to light after Rove attacks her and Bauer during an off-the-wall interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News.
Why it Matters: Rove helped George W. Bush get "elected" president twice, and powerful evidence suggests both elections were stolen. Rove clearly was behind the politicization of the U.S. Justice Department under Bush and almost certainly orchestrated a bogus prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. Evidence still is building that Rove tried to buy or rig the 2012 presidential election. Karl Rove has made himself a hugely influential figure in national affairs, so how does he conduct his personal affairs? The mainstream press has ignored this story, but it might be our most important national piece of the year. It apparently led to Rove's quickie, "arranged" marriage to Texas political operative Karen Johnson. And it still might help shrink Rove's power base within the GOP.
Number of Comments: 21
A Comment to Remember: "KKKarl Rove is queer too? It figures, we know about Hitler and his inner circle of SS being queer and the rumors about Stalin, Marx, Pol Pot and Obama have been out there for all to see, but KKKarl? It makes all the sense in the world and explains sooo much.
"How fabulous is that!"
4. CEO Ted Rollins' Ex Wife Is Living in Fear Over Reports About Child Sexual Abuse (September 14)
Summary: Birmingham resident Sherry Carroll Rollins fears for her safety in the wake of reports that her ex husband, Campus Crest Communities CEO Ted Rollins, was investigated in North Carolina for the sexual abuse of her son.
Why it Matters: We repeatedly have called the Rollins v. Rollins divorce case, which was decided in a Shelby County court that did not have jurisdiction to hear it, the worst courtroom cheat job we've encountered in the civil arena. With the apparent help of the powerful Birmingham law firm Bradley Arant, Ted Rollins managed to abuse the justice system and cheat his ex wife and two daughters. But Rollins' abusive actions actually started long before that. Public records show that he was convicted for assault in the 1995 beating of his stepson. And the investigation for child sexual abuse of the same stepson came two years before that. What kind of person runs a company that has received more than $400 million in support from investors on Wall Street?
Number of Comments: 46
A Comment to Remember: "The wealthy long have held a tendency to abuse children. Max Keiser, the other day, did a fascinating interview with author Leah McGrath Goodman about horrific child abuse on the island of Jersey (between England and France), which is the world's largest tax haven."
3. Siegelman Resentencing Serves as a Grim Reminder That His Prosecution Was Bogus from the Outset (August 3)
Summary: Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is resentenced to more than six years in federal prison after the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear his appeal on the most notorious political prosecution in American history.
Why it Matters: Appellate courts have a duty, under the law, to ensure that the law is applied consistently. That's largely why we have appellate courts, and it's a major reason we have the constitutionally guaranteed right to due process and equal protection. But the U.S. Eleventh Circuit of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, failed Don Siegelman. In the process, they failed all of us. This is a case that could not even be heard at trial because the primary charge of bribery was brought well past the statute of limitations. But Siegelman unlawfully sits in prison, and codefendant Richard Scrushy already has served his sentence. If you live in America, and this story does not bother you . . . well, you aren't much of an American.
Number of Comments: 36
A Comment to Remember: "Judge Fuller claims the appeal by Siegelman misrepresented what was a simple case of bribery. Yet, Fuller raked in millions from Doss Aviation's contract with the Bush Administration while he presided over the facts of a case that had already been thrown out by another Federal Judge, U.W. Clemon, in the Northern District of Alabama."
2. Wall Street Analyst Paula Poskon Switches Gears To Claim A CEO's Ties To Child Abuse Are No Big Deal (December 4)
Summary: A prominent Wall Street analysts tries to back track on her earlier comments, voicing concern about how investors might react to news about Campus Crest Communities CEO Ted Rollins' connections to child abuse. Now, Paula Poskon changes her tune, saying in so many words that child abuse is no big deal to the investment community. And we caught her on tape, in a telephone interview.
Why it Matters? From JPMorgan Chase's "really bad bet" to LIBOR to HSBC's money-laundering scandal, 2012 was the year for terrible behavior in the world of high finance. What kind of ethics reign on Wall Street? Paula Poskon shows us that, when big money is at stake, Wall Street pretty much has no ethics at all--going so far as to provide cover for a chief executive with a documented history as a child abuser.
Number of Comments: 69
A Comment to Remember: "Wonder if Ms. Poskon has children? Wonder if she has ever been raped or abused? Wonder if she knows anyone who has?"
1. Bonnie Wyatt Is Released This Afternoon From Jail (December 18)
Summary: Clanton resident Bonnie Wyatt is released from the Chilton County Jail after being unlawfully incarcerated for almost five months because of a property-related debt connected to her divorce.
Why it Matters: Does the Web press make a difference? Does our reporting at Legal Schnauzer have an impact? This event strongly suggests that the answer is yes. We do not know for sure, yet, why Circuit Judge Sibley Reynolds decided to free Ms. Wyatt. But there is little doubt that our reporting, plus the work of Brad Patterson at examiner.com, played a part. The mainstream press ignored the story, but the Schnauzer and friends grabbed it by the pants leg and wouldn't let go. It seems someone decided the fire was getting a little too close for comfort, so maybe it was a good idea to let Bonnie Wyatt go.
Number of Comments: 53
A Comment to Remember: "Great news LS! If she's stood 5 months in jail (because) of that prick, then she should tell him to shove his gag order! She should stick it to Reynolds the same way he did her. It can be done! Maybe Bonnie will let you be a part of it LS since you no doubt played a big role in her release. Kudos to you, man, and thank you for what you do!!!!"
It's nice, of course, to receive comments like that last one. But readers deserve much of the credit. I would not have known about Bonnie Wyatt's situation, for example, without a tip from a reader. I would not have been able to report it fully without information from readers.
I'm already working on several posts for 2013 that originated with fascinating tips from readers. We encourage you to stay tuned.
Great choice for No. 1, LS. Was thrilled to see Bonnie Wyatt's release.
I don't know how I missed that story about Karl Rove; I'll have to take a closer look at it soon.
If the traditional media was more willing to accept some recommendations from readers and researchers about what to cover they would do a much better job. Not that I think that is the only thing to consider but it is one of them; and they should look into more different subjects with different views; not just those authorized by their corporate sponsors. But they wouldn't be commercial media if they actually did a good job then.
I don't know if you have time but one thing that I think deserves a lot more attention might be the abuse at Fort Myers day care centers which I just wrote about; if you're interested. I don't have your investigative background so if you find more on it that might be helpful to help inform the public and solve this problem which deserves much more attention.
I have no doubt that this is an important aspect of military indoctrination and escalating violence whether it takes place in military day-cares or abuse anywhere including Ted Rollins or elsewhere.
Keep on keeping on.
I hope this list becomes an LS tradition. Very educational to look back on these stories.
Could you provide a URL to your writing on the day-care story? Would like to take a look. Are you talking about Fort Myers, FL?
As you probably know, various stories about child abuse have been a major focus here.
I was hoping the Bonnie Wyatt story might be No. 1 since it had a feel-good ending. Don't often get those in our justice system.
It is nice to have a happy ending to a court-related story, but it's probably not accurate to say the Wyatt story has ended. I think there is much more to tell, and I look for our reporting to continue. How did she wind up being unlawfully jailed, who is responsible, etc.? Lots of unanswered questions.
Plus, my understanding is that she is looking at having to sell her house to pay a divorce-related debt that doesn't appear to be supported by facts or documentation. She's out of jail, but she might still be a victim of gross injustice of a financial nature.
I suspect the bad guys decided, for some reason, it no longer was a good idea to have her in jail. But I look for them to continue messing with her, if they think they can get away with it.
We will be following the story.
It was posted on my Blogspot page today. Here it is so it will be easier to find in the future as well.
I have noticed a couple of stories about the subject on your blog since I started following it on Blogspot. When I read you on OS it all seemed to be about Don Siegelman that I remember anyway; you seem to provide more here; and Blogspot goes back more than just eight posts so it is easier to keep track of it FWIW.
The blog includes several sources that i found on the subject as well.
I didn't know a reader tipped you off on the Bonnie Wyatt story. Interesting.
Thanks for sharing, Zachery. I will take a look at it, and I hope readers will, too.
Anon at 11:38--
Yes, Bonnie Wyatt herself discovered the blog, read up on what I was doing and contacted me. That was in spring 2012. It wasn't until August that I checked court records and discovered she had been jailed.
The Ted Rollins story broke in a similar fashion. Sherry Rollins did a Google search that landed on Legal Schnauzer. She read up on my reporting, thought I might be interested in her story, and contacted me.
Bad guys are going to regret the day that Google came into existence. It's an incredibly powerful tool for connecting victims with resources that might be able to help them. That's how both the Rollins and Wyatt stories came to be.
I see where your story is about alleged child abuse at a military day care center in Virginia. Sounds like that could be an explosive story, with the problem spreading to other military bases. Thanks for sharing. I hope LS readers will check out Zachery's reporting on this. Again, here is the URL:
Bonnie Wyatt is about the system of investments. She is an easy target for the criminals to use as the "recovery" of losses.
Goldman Sachs AND the other criminals that are the worst predators of our species in all time, Iceland people said that, got more DIGITAL FUNDS FOR BONDS. Now the bond market is where the investments go back to.
PAY DIRT. Bonnie's property is all that the Racket Jackel Cult of criminally insane have to keep the higher on the hog cannibals off the lower.
Gang raping. The systems got to be a Gang Rape mentality.
Bonnie gets gang raped by the system which gets to gang rape because the police gang rapers can kill now without any due process.
Sorry about the directness, however without looking at how truly vile evil the danger is, there is not enough minds stirred to get changes happening soon enough for no further Bonnie Wyatt violations.
The current person that the Wall Street Pedophilia Cult chose to do the job of discouraging Americans to awaken and do something about the problems, "Obama," is seriously a human that has been broken and is manufactured to be an automaton.
It is fortunate that we are getting our critical thinking tin foil hats on to get the work accomplished in fixing the insanity.
LS, your job security is a tap root into the center gravity of our earth it appears.
What about Orkin's shady dealings?
That's one I considered, and it certainly would have made my honorable mention. I could see someone putting it in the top 10.
There were quite a few I had to leave out to limit it to a top 10.
Also, thought real hard about including some of the bingo-trial posts. That certainly was a top 10 story in Alabama. My list was more of a "Best of Legal Schnauzer," and I probably was a follower, more than a leader on the bingo trial story, so I didn't have it in top 10.
With rumblings from Luther Strange, who knows what might happen on the bingo story in 2013?
Schnauzer, I don't agree with everything you do, but I have to give you props for being accessible. You write under your real name, you provide your e-mail address . . . heck, I guess you are listed in the phone book.
If people like Bonnie Wyatt and Sherry Rollins contact you, it sounds like they are likely to receive a response. That's probably a big reason why you've developed a following, and you certainly have my respect for that.
Murphy's spirit stands forever.
Murphy was not to be taken other than very serious about her bond to loyalty and trust.
Know thy dog and know thy self.
The sad news was when the people from where you were canned were flocking to your website, but the community could not stand for you.
None had the spirit that Murphy reflects. You could not ignore your journalistic integrity and out them, poor spirits.
It would have been in the best advantage for reality to get real about who the people were-are at your former job post that can add much to the purpose of life. You have shown them how.
Anon at 7:17--
Thanks for a profound comment. In the 4 1/2 years since I was cheated out of my job, I've not had one single former coworker from UAB call and express concern, condolences or anything else. Not one.
One person did e-mail me shortly after I got canned and said she was thinking of me, and that's been it. The utter lack of human compassion makes me wonder about the quality of people I worked with. And these are all people that I liked and treated well, and vice versa--people I considered good workplace colleagues.
What if the stress from all of this caused me or my wife to have a heart attack, a stroke, develop cancer? What if one of us committed suicide or had a nervous breakdown? People who've been through this kind of torment, I feel certain, are at heightened risk for all of those things.
But not a peep from any of my so-called friends from work, even though they have to know I got screwed out of a job I'd had for almost 20 years, in the worst economy since the days of FDR.
Quite a few of the "worker bees" probably don't know for sure what happened, and maybe just don't know what to say to someone who has been treated that way. But I feel certain manager types know exactly what was done, who did it, and why it was done--and they still don't speak up.
And this is in a university environment, which should be a little more enlightened than the standard workplace. And quite a few of these people identify as liberals, which should make them extra aware on matters of injustice. But nothing, not a word.
The contrast between their actions, and those of Murphy and other wonderful pets, is awfully stark.
I don't think there is a single person I ever worked with who could say I was not a good coworker. But I've become a non-entity to these people, as if I have no feelings or concerns and don't even merit a phone call.
It all has taught me a ton about human nature.
Liked the "list" of the best 5. It is important for blogs such as yours to do a year end review. It reminds all of us of the work you do. It gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of your accomplishments. This is important because blogs such as yours are a lot of hard work.
Blogs are very important these days. Main stream media frequently do not report on important issues, especially corruption. In British Columbia, Canada you would be hard pressed to know there were problems in the province were it not for bloggers. Some consider B.C. the most corrupt province in Canada. I therefore thought it would be interesting to read yours.
The work you did on Bonnie Wyatt's case was amazing. She is now out of jail! Her problems may not be over, but she certainly is in a better position to deal with them.
The dog is cute! He must have been wonderful. Dogs are much kinder than humans so naming your blog after the dog, works for me.
I look forward to this years articles. Happy New Year!
Thanks for your kind comment, and it's great to have readers in Canada. As a long-time fan of Burton Cummings, Randy Bachmann and The Guess Who, I have a fondness for your country.
Interesting to hear about corruption in BC. I think there are some gambling interests with ties to AL that tried to get involved with a big resort project up there, in Vancouver. Think it met a lot of opposition, and I'm not sure of current status.
Love your dog comment. Murphy was a she, but schnauzers have beards, so I guess that's one reason folks have always assumed "she" was a "he." But yes, she was wonderful, an absolute joy to have around. Hope to have another schnauzer someday.
I believe Milton Macgregor was involved in that resort project in Canada and e.a.f, I am a fan of your country as well. I respect the talents of Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne, Joni Mitchell, and ALex Trebek.
Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.
- Mark Twain, a Biography
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
- Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar
Good morning LS, here is some very good news:
Jan van Eck, on January 4, 2013 at 6:45 am said:
to “needcaselaw”:
The case that Mr. Garfield was describing in the Contempt matter above is “USBank NA v. Dimitri N. Jansen; Kay Jansen; Florida Housing Finance Corp; Branch Banking and Trust Co; et al,” Circuit Court for the 12th Jud. Distr., Sarasota County, FL, 2007-CA-004769 SC. The “Order to Show cause” was signed by Judge Robert B. Bennett Jr. on 19 Dec 2012.
Although I have a copy of the Order to Show Cause, I do not (yet) have a copy of the actual Decision of Contempt.
That apparently came down on 28 Dec.
Counsel for USBank has filed Motions to set aside the Contempt, on various grounds.
I do have that transcript where counsel for USBank admits they have no clue who they represent, against the day I dig it out I shall post it to this specific LL discussion.
USBank has been repeatedly found to have fabricated documents and invoked unsupportable allegations before the Courts.
Editor’s comment: What do you think would happen if the Judge ordered you to appear in court for the next hearing and you simply did not show up and sent your cousin instead saying you were to too busy to see the Judge? My guess is that at a minimum you would be fined and you might even get free room and board in the County Jail without bond.
U.S. Bank will be the first one to see a bank executive behind bars. You see the problem is that they don’t want to commit perjury directly. They want to do it through surrogates. Matt understands this as well as I do. He knows that once the Judge things the forecloser is dirty, they are cooked. Settlement offers start popping out of the woodwork.
Providence Portland Medical Center has seen 75 cases in its emergency room just since Christmas, according to Doctor Jamie Schlueter.
Noroviruses are one of virology’s great open secrets. In a recent issue of The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Aron Hall of the Centers for Disease Control declared,“Noroviruses are perhaps the perfect human pathogen.”
X by way of pilots flying planes in our skies for Agenda 21:
Roger, I just read your comment about the UAB "people," and the truth is in a post where the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller of course, bought the ed in America.
Thus, you were one of the few in the U.S. of A. that stood in the gifted department of NOT being a "stooge" for those that provide a "paycheck."
Tough call in the modern day "America" when our religion has become the digital dust, that was actually stolen by the "Zionists."
Now when the Americans reenter the human being civilized world, AFTER about no less than ONE-HALF A CENTURY, then some of those that were able to keep their digital dust at UAB in exchange for their soul(s), can reenter the criminally insane world they've manufactured and see how the world really is when the gene of altruism does not shine the light for them, by way of Murphy's parents.
Yes you and Mrs. Schnauzer are very lucky to be alive and indeed in a health state where you can SAVE others from the same horror that you have encountered.
Energy is energy, physics proves energy is what the universe is.
Therefore, the energy we "cultivate" IS energy infinitely.
The downed down and the down and out that have been made our "society," here in the U.S. of A., by the CREDITORS' is an intentional GHETTO-HELL.
You were one of the few in the many that brought spiritual truth.
UAB has crafted its dark arts in the world of the unseen and this is a scary thought, for those that have contributed to the "energy of UAB" in the time of the aughts.
Your clean-whole-firm stand as in Murphy's indefatigable spirit is what we "take with us," and/or we live this truth in our moment to moment lives.
George W. Bush simply pushed America off the "fiscal cliff," begun by the CREDITORS in the 1960s, I'm getting ready to write about Treasurers in the U.S. then, in the 1960s, and then again in the aughts - WEBSITES OF TREASURERS IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON STATES COMMUNICATED "KEEP THE FAITH." There was the Mayor Tom Potter in Portland, OR, he just vanished off the radar, after the FBI came in after him. His website said he was in the contest for MAYOR OF THE WORLD.
Courts advertised in the U.S. here in the aughts: COURTS THAT ARE THE ENVY OF THE WORLD.
You are a Renaissance happening, Mr. and Mrs. Legal Schnauzer.
America is blessed. Thank you.
The reports I've seen link Paragon Gaming--with its Tuscaloosa roots and ties to Robert Sigler, Rob Riley, and Bob Riley--as being involved in the Vancouver project. I'm not sure McGregor is involved with that group anymore; he was at one time, and reports say he was part of the Russian lottery group. But given what has happened between the Rileys and McGregor in recent years, I doubt that MM is part of the Vancouver deal.
Here is URL to a 2011 post I did on Vancouver project, and it borrowed heavily on reporting from Wayne Madsen:
The Paragon Gaming project in Vancouver was voted down by the city council in 2011:
This Nov. 2012 article says Paragon still is considering various options in the Vancouver Metro area:
Great review Roger! Maybe Al Jazeera will buy your blog to go along with their acquisition of Current TV from Al Gore. There is no God but Allah & although Muhammad is His Prophet, "Isa came to deliver the message of the Prophets, who were before him." {Surah 2:136, Surah 3:84, Surah 42:13, Surah 5:46} Isa AKA Jesus is the Kalimet Allah and Ruh Allah. Allahu Akbar & As Salaam Alaikum Roger Alan Shuler http://www.finalcall.com/
That gambling thing didn't make it off second base. The premier of the time, one Gordon Campbell, thought it would be lovely to have this casino in downtown Vancouver. However, the citizens of Vancouver had other thoughts. Fortunately the mayor of Vancouver & the majority of his council, at the time, were from another political persuation, not to mention he wants to be mayor for a very long time. So , the council for the city of Vancouver voted NO. End of story.
The former premier of the province however, did go on to reward his many corporate & personal friends with all sorts of lovely gifts for which the citizens of this province will be paying for 30 yrs. Amongst other things many citizens & bloggers still want to know, what went down when B.C. Rail was "sold" to another railway company. The CEO of that company had been a close political opperative (bag man) of the then premier, Gordon campbell.
With all the corruption in B.C., when I found you blog, I thought I'd follow it to do a comparison on corruption between our province and your state. The one thing both political entities have in common is coal, although ours is pretty much controlled by Chinese government companies.
I will continue to follow your blog. Should I read more about Ms. Wyatt I will be more than happy to write the govenor & others regarding the matter. No woman should be treated in this matter. I did find it interesting how middle & upper class women are treated in Alabama. Not well at all.
In Canada, divorce law is a federal matter. Things are laid out very clearly, especially regarding child support. Doesn't matter where you live in Canada, the formula decides--its a federal formula. Provinces hve their own enforcement organizxations regarding child support. If you don't pay, the debt is added to what you owe the federal government. In other words, should the federal government owe you any money, including your federal pension, they will withhold money until the debt is paid. Even if you plead poverty. In one case the father said he couldn't pay. the province paid for the mother & child then referred the debt to Ottawa. Once he went to collect his federal pension at age 60, they withheld part of the money to repay the debt. In Canada, monies owed to the federal government are considered, debts to the Crown. They don't ever go away. so if your alabama dead beat father were in Canada, they would sit around & wait to collect the money for the food stamps, forever. Now we don't have food stamps in Canada, but you get the drift.
In Canada the provinces were just tired of picking up the tab because of dead beat parents so the federal government, passed federal legislation which made things a whole lot more fair & less expensive for the government.
when you have dead beat parents it isn't just the children who suffer but the taxpayers.
Canada is in a mess. Not as much of a mess as America, but the same "neoliberal" agenda has not stopped at any border in earth.
When the Vietnam War was happening, Canada allowed the young men of conscience to go to Canada and not the Vietnam War. Not with the Iraq War, no George W. Bush and Canadian powers did not allow any Americans to go to Canada, even women with children who did not want to go to war and had signed up for the U.S. military, were made to leave Canada and return to face prosecution in the U.S.
Canada didn't arrest "W" either and he was a war criminal to be arrested. America doesn't arrest any of the war criminals.
Alabama acts just like the neoliberal cult wants, eminent domain on all life in earth.
Canada may have dogged some of the neoliberal agenda, but 2021 hasn't arrived yet.
Here is what letters need to be about:
"... Consider TransCanada’s spokesman, Shawn Howard, and his, “…oil is oil”. MEATS and Keystone XL advocates cultivate public misconception of DilBit being “crude oil”. A dangerous ruse spanning pipeline safety regulations to pipeline technology and leak detection…back to public awareness. Pawning off DilBit as crude oil is TransCanada’s public-relations Job Number One—except when it comes to the IRS….
... The oil industry pays an eight-cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil produced in or imported to the U.S., proceeds earmarked for the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund that covers cleanup costs for oil spills. Funny thing…in 2011, at the request of a company whose identity is kept secret, an exemption was made that frees DilBit from this tax because, as the secret company made clear: “oil” from Canada’s tar sands is so different (chemistry, behavior, how it’s produced) that it should not be considered crude oil.
Texas, and federal statutory codes define crude oil as “liquid hydrocarbons extracted from the earth at atmospheric temperatures”. Simple enough, DilBit is not crude oil.
WOMEN in the U.S. of A. TRAGIC ACTS erects misogyny:
"... Just Like Slick Willie,
Hillary Is Made Out of Teflon ....
.. With regard to Benghazi, will Hillary go down with the Obama ship? It is not likely that she will have to worry about that possibility. As Congress buckled and allowed the Wall Street bankers to plunder and subsequently destroy the economy through unconstitutional and illegal bail outs, Congress will buckle again in the Benghazi affair because they will not bite that hand that ultimately feeds them their insider deals which leads to their insider trading opportunities that has been admitted to by Nancy Pelosi. If you understand the contents of this paragraph, then you understand why the American empire is crumbling right before our eyes.
Bonnie Wyatt and ICLEI?
"... In commencing this horrific abuse of power, Governor Ritter appoints Field to the Bench of the 8th District Court in January of 2011 which was the same month as the divorce action filed by Pappenheim. Stryker began a professional relationship with Field in 1987 when her law firm represented Stryker interests. Upon leaving office in January of 2011, and after having appointed the judge who will steal Lynne’s child, Ritter goes to work for Stryker interests. The newly appointed Field subsequently conducts a Kangaroo court trial in which Stacy, not accused of any wrongdoing, has her child awarded to Pappenheim, who also has Agenda 21/ICLEI interests through his company, 21st Development Solutions.
"... It’s important for people to know about banks’ excess reserves, the money market mechanics, and how all the excess money “invested” these days goes to high-finance circle jerks instead of commercial bank loans to lower/middle classes.
Read more at http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/01/yes-virginia-the-rich-did-very-well-with-the-fiscal-cliff-deal.html#1KzEyXbP2yjJtRTI.99
"... Rich Should Be Happy with Cliff Deal, Gerald Epstein: President Obama did not have to make this deal, it's a debacle being called a win ....
8:11 Thank you for posting this link! LS, this story in CO has a little of everything you report on all in one! Tighten your boot straps folks!
there isn't a neoliberal agenda in Canada, its neoCon agenda. The P.M. & his party, Conservative, have the majority of votes. They don't care about the enviornment. They just care about making the Chinese government corportions happy.
We in B.C. do not want any oil pipelines going through out land nor do we want more oil tankers going down our coast. It is all a disaster waiting to happen. With the latest Earth quake in Alaska, we just consider that Mother Nature saying no to pipelines. Of course the oil tanker hitting the bridge in San Fransico also helps our argument against oil tankers.
Canadians are well aware that if there are spills the taxpayers of Canada will be stuck on the hook. But from our perspective it isn't about the money. Its bout the land & water. With out clean land & water no animal is going to survive & we humans are just another animal.
The royalties companies pay to the Province of Alberta are amongst the lowest in the world. No body in Canada gains from all of this exploitation of our natural resources. it is all going to China. There is no need to destroy our beautiful country so another country can make money & destroy the air around the world.
Our P.M. Stevie Slime & his slimers just don't get it or they are getting a lot we don't know about.
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