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Calvin McCall Haynes |
A suspect in the murder of Talladega attorney Blake Lazenby said Lazenby's wife offered $40,000 to have her husband killed.
Calvin McCall Haynes said he did not want to take part in the murder plot, but he provided the name of another suspect, Ocie Lee Lynch. Haynes said Earnest James Files Jr. arranged the killing on behalf of Geanne Lazenby--and Lynch and Charles Andrew Joseph Hendrix carried it out by shooting and stabbing Blake Lazenby in his Sylacauga home.
Haynes made the statements during an interview at the Birmingham Police Department in January. The statements were presented Tuesday at a preliminary hearing and reported in yesterday's edition of The Talladega Daily Home.
Blake and Geanne Lazenby were in the midst of a contentious divorce at the time of the murder last July. Four men--Files, Hendrix, Haynes, and Lynch--have been arrested in the case. Haynes said he was not present during the murder, but a man identified only as Jeremy drove Lynch and Hendrix to Blake Lazenby's house.
Geanne Lazenby has not been arrested, but the Daily Home reports:
Solicitation of and conspiracy to commit murder are Class A felonies in Alabama, punishable upon conviction by 10 to 99 years or life in prison. Conviction for capital murder carries a penalty of life in prison without the possibility of parole or death by lethal injection.
According to Haynes' statement to police, Files served as middle man in the murder plot. Reports the Daily Home:
Haynes said Earnest James Files Jr., who has been charged with the same two counts in the case, approached him roughly two years ago about murdering the husband of the woman he was dating.
“The first ever, ever time, I told him I didn’t want no part of it,” Haynes stated in the recording. “He came back in another year, last year. He was with the girl he was with and two children in a white Chevrolet Silverado. There was a white woman in the front and two kids in the back. (Files) was like, “She wants to talk to you about killing her husband.” She asked me to come around to her side, and I did. She was like, ‘I have all the money right here. I just want the job done.’”
Haynes said the woman showed him a bag full of money, but he did not count it.
“It was a lot of money,” he said. “Then she was like, ‘I want my husband dead.’ I said I didn’t want no part of it, but I said, ‘Well, Ocie (Lynch) might do something like that.’”
The plan picked up steam, according to Haynes, when Lynch became involved:
Haynes said he then contacted Ocie Lee Lynch, 30, of Birmingham, who is charged in this case with two counts of capital murder committed during a burglary in the first degree.
“I go to Ocie,” Haynes said. “I was like, ‘Well, the lady said she got 40 G’s, and she want her husband killed. Are you down with it?’ And he was like, ‘I’m down with it.’”
He said Files gave Lynch $2,000 of his own money when he agreed to carry out the murder. Haynes said he was not at Lazenby’s house the night of the murder, nor did he ever visit the house.
“(Files) wrote down the address and told Ocie how to get there,” Haynes said. “When he wrote down the address, Ocie was like, ‘I got it. You ain’t got nothing to worry about.’”
Haynes account is curious because it does not seem to fit with what we have reported earlier about the relationship between Geanne Lazenby and Earnest Files. From a post dated February 22, 2012:
According to documents obtained through the Coosa County Sheriff’s Department, Geanne Lazenby, who was living in Alexander City, filed a harassing communications and criminal trespass complaint against Files on March 28, 2011. According to her complaint, Files called her cell phone more than 100 times in less than a week, including once while a deputy was taking her statement. She said she had repeatedly told him not to call her, and added that he had visited her home on two occasions in spite of being told not to come by, either.
Haynes has Geanne Lazenby and Earnest Files acting as accomplices in a murder plot. Public records show Geanne Lazenby filing a criminal complaint against Earnest Files in an effort to keep him away from her.
Can those two accounts be reconciled? Perhaps we will find out soon. More preliminary hearings are scheduled for April 10.
Schnauzer: You are slowly getting the entire picture. Remember, I told you before that there are more court records from Coosa County that you do not have. The false charges were all part of an alibi. I also told you that Mr. Lazenby had injuries other than gunshot wounds. If you will just follow my leads, and "dig" like a schnauzer, you will find the whole truth. Stay tuned.
Why wasn't Geanne Lazenby charged with soliciting murder?
David, I think you need more than the testimony of a co-conspirator (am I right here, Schnauzer?). The people of Sylacauga are hoping and waiting for her arrest, the city is buzzing!!!
Blake was loved and very well respected in Sylacauga and Talladega. We have lost a wonderful person.
I would guess you are right, that they are looking for more evidence. They must feel they don't yet have sufficient evidence to make an arrest.
I am curious to know who the "2 children" where in the back seat when Geanne and and her boyfriend Ernest Files whet to Tarrant? Pretty evil people to take two children to discuss having someone killed (especially if one of the children happened to be Blake's child).
Does this mean that only black people get arrested when "whitey" gets killed. This is more of the same old Alabama way where the rich and powerful, and white, don't have to pay for their crimes. Why is this woman not in jail? It seems "mighty white" of the political powers in Talladega County to let her run free while the black participants in this crime are locked away. As a minority, I have seen this too many times. My community is talking about this and we can only hope that officials that claim to be our friends at election time don't mistreat us now. We just want justice too!
GET OUT OF TOWN!! The plot thickens!
Answer to the question of why WHITEY is not arrested... You think of this.. IF you possibly were made a deal to keep your butt out of jail what would you do...the same the rest of us would LIE and make up more and then ask them what they want us to say and say it.. They will get her when and IF they have such evidence.
"IF" there is evidence. Who else would want Lazenby killed? Pedigree,or lack there of, aside from evil, is enough to lock this crazy bitch up!
To Anonymous 9:47:
How is it that you have so much "insider information"? Are you leaking info that you by law are not supposed to, or is this just your guess?
Who would want Lazenby killed? Maybe a pissed off client, a lover, a secret lover of the same sex, you cant trust ANYONE these days. On the outside he could be the model person ..On the inside you never know what is going on. I am surprised at things I see daily out of folks I NEVER EXPECTED TO ACT up especially doing criminal things. SHOCKED!
To Anonymous 11:37
Geanne doesn't have 2 children!! Made up story to get out of lethal injection.....
Not only did she ruin her life but her daughters as well. I'm sure the 3 arrested had families who will be destroyed by this. Not to mention, Blakes poor Mother. Blake is no longer with us , but I know he is living with the peace of not having to deal with her. I feel a public lynching on a catwalk is not too much to ask. She can't bat those lashes with a hood over her head. She can however wear her bows and crowns.
Anon 9:41 I must assume that you are an acquaintance of the "widow Lazenby"--you could not be her friend because she has none! Be that as it may, when I hear some testimony in court about your baseless and unfair allegations against Mr. Lazenby's character-so far we have heard none other than your ignorant and mean-spirited musings--though we have heard the widow Lazenby implicated in "Murder for Hire"--then I will inquire further as to your statements. I simply assume your conducting your slanderous campaign for any future jury pool that widow Lazenby might face.
....and may I suggest that you are doing the same!!!
To Anon 3/29/2012 9:47pm:
You are so right. Geanne only has 1 child. I was thinking that maybe it was Geanne and Blake's child and a friend, but I forget she has been with Geanne and under Geanne's influence for the past 15 years and is probably like her mom and has NO friends.
Could be one of Ernest Files children and Geanne's child. Since Ernest and Geanne have been boyfriend/girlfriend for several years, I'm sure their children have been together before like normal children do of parents that are dating.
And I would bet that Haynes identified Geanne through a photo line up while being questioned in Birmingham. Now, how in the world would he choose Geanne if he didn't see her with Files on 2 separate occasions? Not likely they crossed paths down on Lake Martin.
Ms. Geanne Elder is one evil woman. There is a special place in hell for her.
You are one twisted person!! If you think a mother would do that to her child (who would have been old enough to understand what was going on) you are one F'ed up human being. Obviously you don't have children!! Her lovely daughter has plenty of friends, thankfully none like you! How could you slander a child you don't even know? What the F___ is wrong with you!!
How would you know whether or not Geanne had been Identified in a photo line up??
WOW...Sounds like someone is poisoning the well? or is this insider information?
Someone has a crystal ball!!!
Anon March 29 9:41 p.m.: Who would want Blake killed? GEANNE ELDER LAZENBY that's who. Not one other name has come up in Talladega County but GEANNE ELDER LAZENBY since day one, sorry two names...GEANNE ELDER LAZENBY and her BOYFRIEND ERNEST FILES.
Trying to slander Blake's name is getting you nowhere. He had more friends here than the whole Elder clan. You would have thought they had the plague at Blake's funeral, no one went near them.
If you would learn to comprehend what you are reading the comment says "And I would BET that Haynes identified Geanne through a photo line up...". Didn't say that the person had knowledge that a photo line-up was done. Common sense would tell you that one was conducted.
Common sense is obviously something that Geanne doesn't have. Thinking that she and her boyfriend Ernest Files could pay a bunch of thugs in Tarrant to have Blake murdered and ACTUALLY GET AWAY WITH IT!! But with Geanne being so narcissistic, I can see where she would think she could get away with it.
Shoot, none of those thugs are going to take the needle for her. You mark my word, Geanne Elder Lazenby will be getting the needle for this. Only problem is that it will take much much too long for it to happen.
To Anon 4/2/2012 8:19pm:
I'm one evil person??? Looks like to me you haven't been around Geanne or her boyfriend Ernest Files for years!
No, evil is when you don't let your child see her father for over 2 years. Evil is when you don't let your husbands mother see her only grandchild for over 3 years. Evil is when you take ANY child to negotiate the killing of anyone. Evil is when you TRY to slander your husband's name to anyone that would listen. Evil is when you and your boyfriend, Ernest Files, HIRE PEOPLE TO SAVAGELY MURDER THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILD. THAT'S WHAT EVIL IS!!
So, Geanne don't be pointing your finger at anyone but yourself. I am on here defending my friend Blake. Because of Geanne he's no longer here with us.
I have never nor will I ever slander Blake. I liked him just fine. It is you that is doing the slandering. I don't know what the real truth is, and I suspect neither do you. You may think you do, but until all the evidence is in, please stop with all this nonsense.
She has been trying to bat lashes at local contractors to fix her lake home and now Blakes with promise to pay. I pitty the contractor who took this job to help her out. Apprently they are as sick as she is to even try to help her. How can she even sleep n that house with what has happened. Why is she not scared if it was related to something not related to her. I would not stay there with my daughter if even a doubt on who did this. Guilty? I would say so. Someone is helping her with the terrible damages to BLAKES house. Fess up all. Makes you all jerks.
Anon 4/3 8:57p.m.
I have not posted one thing that has not been printed by the media OR was said in the court proceedings.
Can you say the same?? I think not.
There are a lot of parallels between Geanne's divorce and another in town. 1) Divorce has been going on for 3 + years; 2) One party in both has retained at least 5 attorneys; 3) One party in both wants it all; 4) One party in both has no friends; and 5) One party in both ended up living with their yardman.
Come to think of it one party in each divorce dated at one time. I know Blake's friends all wish Geanne had snagged him. They deserve each other. MOO (My Opinion Only)
Justice seems to be seeking out these matrimonial terrorists. The widow Lazenby has been identified in open court as the catalyst behind Blake's death and, as the previous blogger notes, another notorious male divorce hopeful, recently hoping for a chiropractic adjustment, got an attitude adjustment instead--which incidentally, came with a free ass-kicking. Such a shame the widow Lazenby didn't take up with him instead of Blake--the world could have ended up a better place by half! Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
If the people of Alabama are like you, know wonder she has "no" friends. Or should I say thank goodness for her! I'm willing to be that you were once friends with both Lazenby's, until the divorce! With friends like you, who needs enemies!!
You need to keep your nose out of something you know nothing about and take your ass back from where you came from. Yep, the people of Alabama don't like a murderer. Hell Geanne has never had ANY friends. Before or during her marriage to Blake. She kept to herself when married to Blake, she was too "well bred" to associate with anyone in Sylacauga. Well we all knew what she was like all along & now the whole world can see. She is going down for this.
You small minded moron, my "ass" is no where near Alabama, nor will it be. This is the world wide web!! Anyone from anywhere can read a post and comment on the internet. Sounds like this poor girl is convicted before she is even charged. A juror is supposed to have an open mind. Hopefully there will be some open minded people in Alabama. I have been following this story and it seems odd to me that Geanne would have a man arrested and press charges against him long before he committed a crime she "supposedly hired him for". Thank goodness for the Legal Schnauzer for bringing this point up. Just because you hate someone does not mean they have committed a crime. It is obvious that you have hated this woman for a very long time. I believe that if you could lynch this woman without a trial, you would!
Please remember the innocent person in all of this bickering. Madeline is innocent. Please remember that she also has access to read all of the comments. I know that in her heart of hearts she knows that her daddy loved her and that she also loved her dad. After all he is the one who was always outside playing with her taking her for walks in the woods, letting her ride around in the covertible being Ms. America. Let us all remember Blake as the good guy that he really was.
God bless her for sure. I sure she had no clue as to her Mom's evil antics. Just curious about the past few previous post. Who was helping that murderous vixen and why has this not been an issue? Why is she not in jail? Her comments " he owes me lot of money; fix my damages and (bat, bat, I pay you".) She had no job so how the hell was she going to pay? So sad she used Blakes money to kill him. Bitch could have worked somewhere.
Amen anon 12:21. Bat, bat bitch will rot in hell and all those involved.
Anon 4/6/12 8:43
"You get a rope and I'll get pole, Honey--You get a rope and I'll get a pole, Babe....." I really like your thinking!
To Anon 4/6 8:43 a.m.
"Poor Girl Geanne" hahahaha
You DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! Yes she pressed charges in Coosa County, but did not show up for court. They were having a "lover's spat" at the time she pressed the charges. Both Geanne and her boyfriend Ernest Files thought that the charges would be dismissed since she REFUSED to show up for court. Both were surprised.
Nope never hated Geanne. But loved Blake. AND SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON THAT WOULD WANT HIM DEAD.
So Geanne you better be making some orange bows to match your orange jumpsuit instead of posting here on the Schnauzer. Get out of Blake's house where you had him murdered and go back to Lake Martin. You are not wanted in Sylacuga. It seems that your neighbors on Lake Martin accepted you and your boyfriend Ernest. They were telling the day after you had Blake murdered that you had been going with your yardman, Ernest Files, for years.
Back off she is not living in his house in Sylacauga. Maybe you should get your information straight before you post. OR maybe not post at all :-)
she will go down all will be revealed living in bham where daughter is going to school---living with friend only one she has trying to borrow money on lake house but no local banks will loan too big a risk community knows she had it done 3/4 funds borrowed 10 days before blake killed---just a matter of time... bad bad person
I assume one of those crazy Elder's is still living in Blake's house. Gee, if I lived in that neighborhood, I would watch out for that old boy--he is nutty as a fruitcake. You don't suppose he has that murderous gene in him do you? Someone posted that Mrs. Lazenby was living in Birmingham; but perhaps they meant Tarrant City since she has many friends there. She is such an egalitarian, such a trend-setter, such a problem solver. She is a NUT!
Sounds like you are the "NUT". You are not helping this case with your belligerent rants!
Geanne's boyfriend Ernest Files bound over to the grand jury.
tick, tock, tick, tock
Who's the "NUT" here? Your friend Geanne. And she is going down down down!
Need to watch FOX 6 at 5pm tonight!!
tick tock tick tock
To Anon 4/11/12 11:46 a.m. Do you really think I am a NUT? Do you know the widow Lazenby? Do you know the Elders? Those folks would be the standard by whick other "NUTS" are judged! I haven't been involved in any murder for hire--have you? What is your tie to the widow Lazenby? You are not another co-conspirator are you? Perhaps you are the NUT--the experts say the NUT him or herself is the last one to know. Your comments make YOU sound a little "Elder-ly". Bless the widow Lazenby--I hope and pray she gets everthing she has got coming to her--and more! Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
I am playing catch up here so please forgive. Can someone give me a brief run down on the Elder family- I am not familiar with the details. The daughter is in fact still attending school in Alex City. I have no idea where they are living but my understanding is that the lake home is in foreclosure. I am surprised that Rev. Al Sharpton hasn't shown up to organize the "million-bow" march yet. Geanne has been implicated on enough levels to warrant a Grand Jury indictment at the very least. In one of the co-conspirator cases, I noticed the name of a JUDGE RUMSEY- am I mistaken that Geanne has a sister with the last name of RUMSEY- any relation??? Another post here mentioned another highly contested divorce action in Sylacauga that involved a long lost love of the Widow Lazenby- Details please? I can't imagine what color the sun is in that woman's world- did she honestlt think she could get away with this? Has anyone stepped in on behalf of the daughter? She is most likely a fountain of facts in this case- Could she not be percieved as a threat in her mother's eyes or more likely in the eyes of Mr. Files??
Understand that Geanne tried to comment suicide.
Sure sign of guilt. Why would you try and hurt yourself if you haven't done anything?
She knows the old clock is ticking... tick tock tick tock
You are one sick "A Hole" for taking pleasure in another persons perils.
Geanne you have friends who love you and care about you! Hang in there!!
Your old roommate from NY knows how kind and wonderful you are.
My prayers are with you!!
Yeah, I'm the sick A-Hole that paid to have the father of my child murdered.
To Anon 4/15 9:42am
1) Elder family: 3 girls & 2 boys. Father and Mother are both deceased.
2) Lake house WAS in foreclosure. One of Geanne's brothers purchased the mortgage.
3) I know the divorce and people involved the poster was referring to, but I had rather not post their names. As they have nothing to do with this case.
4) Judge Rumsey is the nephew of one of Geanne's sisters husband.
Geanne's PERILS???
The only person that I have sympathy for is BLAKE. I can't imagine the thoughts that went through his mind on July 27th when he faced the biggest PERIL in his life. And I guarantee you he knew Geanne and her boyfriend Ernest Files were behind it.
Geanne knows she is going to pay for what she did to Blake. I have NO SYMPATHY WHAT-SO-EVER for her. And if you had been around her the past 15 years (instead of being an old room mate) you wouldn't either. Unless you condone the murder-for-hire of your husband and the father of your only child.
I too have no sympathy whatsover for anyone who has played ANY role in a murder, but my heart goes out to Blake and Geanne's daughter, who clearly is a victim herself. The law failed to protect the emotional abuse of a minor child by a grown woman. Lets not forget that a child is always innocent when involved in divorce proceedings, regardless of the details. If not mistaken, this "divorce" had been going on for over 3 years, prior to Blake's horrific murder. Imagine the battle that took place in this child's heart, way before her father was killed. Imagine the emotional grief she experienced, and more than likely grew accustomed to, as she sought some form of security during the 3 years of proceedings. Let's also keep in mind the extreme changes that occur as adolescents begin to mature and develop from ages 11 - 16 and how easily influenced and gullable young people can be. After all, they are still children at this age and they deserve protection from those who take advantage of their innocence. Bottom line . . . there is NO EXCUSE for divorce proceedings (especially those involving minor children) to be strung out for 3+ years of a child's life!!! There should be SOME limitation in place, if for no other reason but to ensure that the children are not subjected to strategical manipulations of one or both parents. Perhaps we should begin with a limitation on the number of attorneys that can be released and hired. Likewise, why not limit the number of "appeals" that can be filed? I'm well aware that one can prolong a divorce by simply exercising their right to appeal basic hearing proceedings!!! Yes! No matter how obvious the attempts are to prolong the proceedings, the state of Alabama will allow this to happen! Each appeal requires an "answer" by the opposing legal team, and each carries a ridiculous amount of time allowed for a ruling. Meanwhile, attorney fees build, and children grow up!!!! Very sad. Please don't misunderstand my rant . . . I in NO WAY buy in to the accusation that the system played a part in the murder of Blake. In fact, if indeed Geanne's claim that the "good ole boy" system was in place in Talladega County, why in hell couldn't Blake's "boys" close this deal out sooner??? However, it is my intent to question the effectiveness of the judicial system as a whole, when it comes to protecting children from civil chaos! And oh, by the way! For anyone who thinks court ordered child support is enforceable and immune from being held up in these 3+ year proceedings, you are mistaken! You can file for divorce, wait 6 months on a support hearing, be awarded relief with the judge's seal, and still be waiting 3 years later! Add that to the stress exposure that innocent children must endure!
I am so sick of seeing Geannes' brother driving Blakes car. You see the little red car coming down the street and for a minute you think oh here comes Blake, i wonder if he has been out running and then you look at the driver and it really pisses you off at the whole situation. Please don't drive Blakes car in his neighborhood. It is too upsetting
Two more bound over to the Grand Jury. Can't wait for Geanne's picture on the front page of every newspaper in Alabama next to her boyfriend Ernest Files. My my what a lovely couple they must make. Perfect for each other.
Does anyone know if Geanne has moved to Tarrant or Goodwater? I heard she has moved in with her boyfriend Ernest File's family in Tarrant or Goodwater.
Only that idiot brother of Geanne's would be driving around in Blake's car. Idiotism is obviously in the gene pool there.
To the best of my knowledge she is still living in Blake's house on Lake Martin. Her brother is living in Blake's house in Sylacauga.
That poor Taylor woman is being charged instead of the wife!! Why? What motive? She has no money no connection to these people! She is being made the scapegoat for the wife. Somebody speak out for this poor woman!!!
I think you all should stay out of this. For starters, I am very close to Ms. Lazenby's daughter. I know exactly what happened. I've been trying to help her and her mother the entire time trying to get over idiotic comments from people who just like to get into their business. I love Ms. Geanne and for some of you to actually believe she would murder her ex husband when they still communicated because of the love of their daughter makes me sick. Geanne Lazenby is not guilty of murdering her ex husband. Case closed.
Does this murder have something to do with Municipal Judge Larry Ward & the Riverside, Alabama Incidents where city officials & an ambulance service contracted by the city were facilitating extra-marital affairs & the police were stopping the husbands for traffic violations?
Mrs Taylor is my stepdaughter and cannot afford an attorney. God knows she had nothing to do with this and was framed.She had no relationship with Files other than befriending him at the gas station where she worked
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