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Ted Rollin |
But Rollins might have become the most flagrant courtroom cheat job I've encountered because of simple numbers--as in those found from a date of birth. And the key numbers are present in an information sheet that Ted Rollins filed with his divorce action against Sherry Carroll Rollins in Alabama. (Document can be viewed at the end of this post.)
Sherry Rollins' date of birth is listed as 5/31/1952. Ted Rollins' date of birth is listed as 9/12/1962. That means she was 39 years old and he was 29 when they got married on December 7, 1991.
Under normal circumstances, none of that information should raise eyebrows. There is nothing unusual or improper about a man being attracted to a woman who is 10 years (or more) older than him. And we feel reasonably certain that Sherry Rollins had no problem attracting the attention of normal guys in a variety of age ranges.
But our research indicates Ted Rollins was not a normal guy, with normal interests--and it's not just because he comes from a family--the people behind Orkin Pest Control--that has abnormal wealth.
Just before she got married to Ted Rollins, Sherry Carroll spoke via telephone with Monica Bulich, who was Ted Rollins' first wife and had been divorced from him a few years earlier. Sherry Rollins says Ms. Bulich made a curious statement that she did not understand at the time. But Ms. Rollins now says she believes it was a warning that Ted Rollins' primary interest might be in her sons from a previous marriage, who were ages 10 and 16.
Here is part of Monica Bulich's message: "I know what he wanted with me; you just have to ask yourself what he wants with you--an older woman with two kids and nothing . . . "
What, by the way, did Ted Rollins want with Monica Bulich? Sherry Rollins says she was told that Ted's parents fixed him up with Monica, knowing she was a bright student who could help him get through graduate school at Duke University. She had an undergraduate degree in biology from Boston College and had worked for the Rollins family as a nanny to the four children (each separated by one year in age) that John Rollins Sr. would have with Michele Rollins. As Sherry Rollins understands it, Monica Bulich wound up doing much of Ted Rollins' graduate work for him, and they eventually got married at Duke Chapel.
What did Ted Rollins want with Sherry Carroll? That is where her age enters the picture. At 39, she was old enough to have one adolescent son and another who was about to enter adolescence. We now know that public documents show Ted Rollins physically abused the youngest boy and was the subject of a social-services investigation for possible child sexual abuse, based on a citizen complaint in North Carolina.
With the power of hindsight, Sherry Rollins says she thinks Monica Bulich saw the abuse coming and tried to warn her. "I think she knew he was after my sons," Ms. Rollins says.
That, Sherry Rollins says, is why Ted Rollins agreed to marry her without a prenuptial agreement, contrary to standard practice in his family. And it probably is why he went to extraordinary lengths--with assistance from his billionaire cousin, Randall Rollins--to ensure she would not receive an equitable share of marital assets that accumulated over 14 years, prior to their divorce in 2005.
Here is a portion of Sherry Rollins' statement to Legal Schnauzer on these matters:
I believe [Ted] knew he was never going to take me seriously as a wife; Zac, Eric, and I were covers to keep his family from wondering if he was normal. His first wife wanted to have children with him desperately; he left her because of it. But he came and found me, with two young sons.
(To be continued)
Was Ted Rollins' preying on his future wife's young sons? You've convinced me, LS. Scary, scary . . .
Are these tendencies more likely to come out if a man has extreme wealth? I can't help wondering about that. Ted Rollins didn't have to truly earn a living; he had it made financially from the moment he popped into the world. Did that allow these evil tendencies to evolve into something very dangerous?
Wall Street thinks this guy is great? That makes Wall Street about as creepy as Ted Rollins.
Every time I see that photo of Ted Rollins, I think of Michael Douglas in Wall Street. What was that character's name? Ted Rollins is his offspring.
You are thinking of Gordon Gekko. Michael Douglas brought that character to life in the first "Wall Street" movie in 1987. He reprised the role in 2010, with "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps."
You are 29 and divorce your first wife because she wants to have children. So you go out and find a woman who is 39 and has two sons--who just happen to be 16 and 10 years old. Makes you go, "Hmmm."
Ted Rollins didn't want a child, he wanted a victim. Sherry had two of them. It was a perfect match for Teddy boy.
I hate to say it, but Ted Rollins is a pretty nice looking guy. If a guy like that paid attention to me, especially if he had that kind of money, I doubt I would think twice about his motives.
Does that make me a bad person?
These words take your breath away . . .
"I know what he wanted with me; you just have to ask yourself what he wants with you--an older woman with two kids."
It's not money that bring this out in psychopaths. They were taught this behavior!!!! Money is the tool that protects them and perpetuates their perversion. Sherri should have blown his dick off right their in front of Zach. The cycle would have stopped! Ted would have then been marked as a perv and prevented from further harming others.
I'd be curious to know if there are other stories of relatives that might also have a history of abuse. Sexual orientation may not have been an indicator of likely predatory behavior but there is some research that indicates that those that have been molested as children are much more likely to molest as adults if it isn't addressed. There have also been numerous stories about molesters being related to other molesters.
The problem might be their wealth in this cases. You have already indicated that the first wife was reluctant to come out and talk about it clearly, hinting at it instead. The same reluctance to speak out could apply to other wealthy relatives if there is a problem. But I don't want to jump to conclusions.
I haven't been able to keep up with all the stories you have written on this and would be curious to hear if you have heard anything either way.
Sounds like Monica Bulich should have two degrees from Duke.
Cheryl, if you had two boys and only thought about what Tard looked like and that he had money yes it might make you a bad person but more so a dumb one!
Didn't the rich dudes at Orkin Pest Control have to know Ted Rollins was a perv? He grew up right under their noses. They probably didn't care if he molested boys, as long as the victims weren't from the family blood lines.
You raise a profound point. And yes, there is evidence for a cycle of abuse here. Sherry Rollins has said that Ted's father, John Rollins Sr., divorced Ted's mother and went on to marry Michele Rollins, who now runs Rollins Jamaica from her base in Delaware. Ted's mother remarried--I can't remember the man's name; will have to look it up--but Sherry thinks Ted's stepfather abused him in some way. Not sure what form that abuse might have taken, but it appears Ted Rollins and his stepfather did not have a healthy relationship. Sherry said Ted tried to stab the stepfather at one point.
From LS's previous reporting other family members such as Glenn Rollins also sound like sexual deviants. There's a patter in this family. I'd say it goes back to a father/ uncle.
IMO, your thoughts don't make you a bad person. They make you a lot like Sherry Rollins, and I doubt she is a bad person. Most of us date/marry based on appearances. And Ted Rollins probably is good at putting forth positive appearances. Getting married is a huge leap of faith for anyone. Most of us really don't know what we're getting into. It works out for some; not so well for others. Kind of like a pot luck dinner.
LS did Sherri ever talk about how Ted treated/ got along with her boys prior to their marriage? Did the boys like him prior to the marriage?
In connection to Cheryl's comment, perhaps I should add this: Sherry Rollins has told me that Ted is capable of being extremely charming--and persistent. At social functions, she says, he tends to be a "pied piper" that people gravitate toward. This is not a guy who gives off bad vibes. He can be charming, sociable, has a graduate degree from Duke. Aside from his wealth, Ted Rollins presents a book with a nice cover. He seems to have no problem attracting women, so why would anybody think he has a peculiar interest in boys? I see how someone could totally miss that, regardless of the money involved.
Anon at 10:11--
Sherry has told me that Ted was extremely interested in the boys before the marriage, apparently in a good way. The older one had some social/academic problems at the time, and Ted made a special point to appear interested in helping him. She thought that Ted, as a businessman with strong ties in corporate circles, would be a good influence on her boys. And best I can tell, they liked him just fine prior to the marriage. In fact, I think they thought he was a really cool guy.
Didn't you say Ted Rollins is married for the third time? Did that wife have a son? Just wondering if she has any comments or complaints to air. Was she a wife he found after Sherry Rollins and his divorce? Or did the present wife play a role in that divorce? Would be interesting to know more about the present wife.
L.S. I googled Ted Rollins present wife and her business. Her name is Holly Matheson Rollins and she has a son named Ethan. Can you tell us what she is like and if she is living an unconcious life as Sherry Rollins seemed to live.?
So Ted Rollins is part of the Orkin family. Makes me want to switch to Terminix.
Anon at 12:45--
I can answer some of your questions. Yes, Ted Rollins has a third wife, and her name is Holly Matheson Rollins. Yes, she has a son, and his name is Ethan Matheson. He was about 10 when his mother married Ted Rollins, same age as Sherry Rollins' youngest son when Ted Rollins entered that picture. Ethan Matheson now is 18 or 19 and a student at Colorado State University, one of the Campus Crest schools. Yes, Holly Matheson came along after the Sherry Rollins' divorce, although Ted Rollins knew her during his second marriage. Ethan Matheson and Sarah Rollins are same age and were in school together as children. Sherry Rollins divorce petition in South Carolina mentioned infidelity as one of the grounds. Was Ted Rollins unfaithful with Holly Matheson? Not certain from the record, but it appears to point in that direction.
Legal Schnauzer: I think all the time and today I am thinking, after reading your blog, that would it be possible to have all three wives available for questions by your readership; on different days of course. For instance, you could start with Wife # 1 who would agree to be available to make comments and answers to readers questions on the first day. Then on the second day or one day afterward, you could have Wife No. 2 fielding questions and comments and posting her answers. Then you could have Wife No. 3, (present) take questions as posted on your blog and she would take time out of her busy 1% schedule to reply to incoming questions. What do you think of my idea? Might be very interesting to your committed daily readers to hear the answers or the refusals from these three women and then we could all decide if Ted Rollins is in fact a pedophile for ourselves. I am sure some new facts would come out of these three for future discussion and we could decide what these three women have in common other than having married Ted Rollins.
I don't dare suggest that the very busy Mr. Rollins would take time to answer any questions, would he?
Anon at 12:47--
Holly Rollins is president of a marketing/PR firm called 10-X Group, in Greenville, SC. I don't know a lot about her, although I'm told she has a tendency to make derogatory remarks about me and this blog in the presence of Sherry Rollins' children. I'm also told she has connections to something called Upstate Alliance in SC. Individuals with connections to Upstate Alliance, including a judge named Aphrodite Konduros, apparently played a role in the strange handling of the Rollins divorce case in Greenville. You will be reading much more about Judge Konduros in upcoming posts. Her husband, Sam Konduros, just happened to be one of Ted Rollins' prime business partners
Anon at 1:05--
I like your idea. I will see if I can make it happen. I've given Ted Rollins somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-20 opportunities to answer questions about issues related to Rollins v. Rollins, and he has not answered one yet. I can pretty much guarantee that wife No. 2 (Sherry Rollins) would be willing to take questions from any of my readers. I can pretty much guarantee that wife No. 3 (Holly Matheson Rollins) would not even entertain the thought. Wife No. 1 (Monica Bulich) is a wild card; my guess is that she would be highly reluctant, given her business career, but who knows. Anyway, I like your idea.
Maybe I should invite attorneys from Bradley Arant to take questions on this subject. I've yet to have any of them respond to multiple queries. Shouldn't a law firm, filled with "officers of the court," be able and willing to respond to questions about matters of public concern? They took millions of public dollars duing the Bob Riley admin, but they seem to be afraid to answer questions from the public. Hmmm.
Anon 1:05, if you are at all familiar with this story you would know that there is absolutely NO doubt that Ted Rollins is a pedofile!
LS, you just pointed out some interesting points. From the sound of it, this third wife Holly played a concious roll in screwing Sherri over! Holly doesn't sound like the dependent needy type either! She sounds well connected and useful to Ted. Is it possible she didn't know about his sketchy past? It's starting to look like Ted found his female match!
I am an acquaintance of the Rollins family. Some of the members of the Rollins family knew that Ted Rollins was sleeping with Holly Matheson during his marriage to the second wife, Sherry. She met him at her son's school and then apparently got herself a job in Ted's building and got herself on the same board or something that he was serving on. It was also rumored that she divorced her husband as she was then embroiled in a flagrant affair with Ted Rollins. I think I remember that her extramarital affair was the reason she got only joint custody of her son. That is the story that I have heard from one of the open and honest famiy members.
I believe that this type of behavior has always been the standard Mr. Rollins set for his marriages.
Anon at 1:20--
It's possible Holly Matheson was well connected before she met Ted Rollins. I'm not sure about that, other than her ties to Upstate Alliance. Is she the "dependent, needy type"? Not sure about that either. I don't get the impression that she's all that bright, but she might have a certain "ballsiness" about social climbing. I think it's possible she played some roll in the cheat job against Sherry Rollins. If not, she certainly knows the people who assisted Ted Rollins in pulling it off.
What a novel idea....wives, cheating wives, abused wives, and a very fine upstanding, honest lawyer answering all our questions about the Rollins case could have happened in our state supported court room in Shelby County. Do you happen to know any committed, honest lawyers who might volunteer for this task?
All due respect LS, I think you are underestimating the third wife's capabilities. From what you stated in you last two comments, sounds like she's been quite the manipulative one! Holly should be careful what she wishes for.
Anon at 1:32--
Do I know of any committed, honest lawyers? Surely you jest. Seriously, there might be some out there, but I doubt they would want to comment publicly about what happened in the Rollins case. That might get them in trouble with the tribal council at the Alabama State Bar in Montgomery. Fraternity rules forbid honest discussion about cheat jobs that have been perpetrated on the public. Those who have been victimized are supposed to suffer quietly. Sherry Rollins violated this cardinal rule, as have I, so the legal tribe is deeply wary of us--and many others who are like us.
Anon at 1:34--
You might be right about that. I just don't know a lot about Mrs. Ted Rollins No. 3. I'm guessing her son, Ethan, had quite an experience with Ted Rollins. Perhaps Holly did an effective job of wearing blinders. Sherry Rollins has a conscience, and that's probably why she didn't fare well in the Rollins clan. I'm not sure Holly Rollins suffers from that burden.
I live in Greenville, S.C. and I have been following your blog for awhile now , especially on the Rollins posts. Regarding Holly Matheson, I know from a reliable source here in Greenville that Holly Matheson, as part of the Upstate Alliance, travelled to England, Italy, and other countries with Sam Konduros and Ted Rollins. It is also rumored that she came back swaddled in Burberry; tennis shoes, raincoat, scarf and handbag in the familiar Burberry plaid but here is the worst part-she had all of them on at the same time! I don't believe anyone in Greenville will remember anything about her appearance prior to her meeting Ted Rollins as she was never able to get her grooming/fashion thing together. I guess the money may have improved her look somewhat but here in the upstate we think she would benefit if she went on one of those "How do I look" shows where a stylist might get involved. We southern women do not take kindly to desperate housewives who circle their target and then put themselves in the geographic daily region of our husbands/fathers of our young children. Most of us here avoid her like the plague and will continue to do so. Can't wait for your next piece on Rollins v. Rollins et al. We discuss your blog at our favorite coffee shop over latte's wondering if you would be interested in writing some of our regions more pressing issues. Thanks
Any pics of Holly Rollins The III?
I found part of your comment disturbing. It was this, regarding marriage:
"Most of us really don't know what we're getting into."
My wife seems to say that a lot. What do you suppose it means?
Anon at 1:53--
There is a pic of Holly R at the following URL:
LS I just found a post of yours regarding the Mountain Brook PD on March 24, 2011. From the sound of this 3-24-11 post, Holly Rollins is in charge of making decisions about an automobile.
Another thing that sounds interesting about this 3-24-11 post was that Ted was involved in several descrimination lawsuits. Do you recall those cases?
Yes, I remember the discrimination lawsuits. Not sure about their status; need to check on that. My understanding is that documents for the automobile show both Holly Rollins and Bradley Arant law firm as owners.
Was that picture of Ted Rollins taken before or after their divorce?
I ask this 'cause he looks VERY satisfied with himself.
Funny you should notice that satisfied look. I'm pretty sure this was after the divorce, which had a judgment in 2005. Alabama appellate courts continued the cheat job on Ms. Rollins by affirming with no opinion, a common occurrence in our fine justice system. That probably came in 2006 or 07.
Setting the record straight on Holly Matheson Rollins: Holly was not well connected in Greenville before meeting Ted Rollins. She was a mother, lived in a small $100,000 dollar house on the wrong side of town with her husband and child. After careful planning and putting herself in Ted Rollins court, she began to see an opportunity for doing some PR/Marketing business of her own. Sleeping with him help and later living with him while he got his divorce from Sherry Rollins ,she was able to pick up a few contracts and crumbs for her little "business" from the deals that Ted Rollins was doing.. He continues to throw her leads from the contacts that he has in his own business, Campus Crest. In essence, her business 10-X is nothing but another source of income he has set up for the two of them. She is just a robot going about what has been assigned to her. She was never a business woman until she went about the "business" of marrying money and she has been busy serving him and catching the occasional "big fish" in his wake. She is looking out for a VIP in her life.....HERSELF.
It's a case of the American disease with being just an American.
Holly III Rollins got to go to England, and of course to see Europe where perhaps she has been convinced her VIP is tap rooted there, too, just like the rest of our so called leaders of the free world believe they are blue blooded freaks of nature.
Newest leader to join the Wailing Wall is Rand Paul. Getting himself ready for POTUS, must practice the ritual though!
I'm one of those "first wives" who tried to warn wife#2 (the issue was DV, not messing with children), but I have to acknowledge -- found out later -- the #2 (not wife, but woman) had a background of incest in the family. This one took "stand by your man" all the way up to some felony-level treatment of my kids, but when (I've heard both versions, which is true yet is "TBA") he refused to finalize divorce with me and marry her -- or didn't produce -- or by pre-arrangement possibly -- anyhow, once they (the action was rather "plural") got rid of "biological mother" in rather violent and illegal manner -- cut off contact, suddenly he was SOL and showing back up at my door, again (!!!) ....
Since being hauled through the underbelly of the court systems, and various forms of immoral and extremely disturbing behavior (I should add that there's no alleged DV or Child abuse towards my children -- other than the emotional abuse of separating them overnight from Mom in order to not pay child support, and later abandoning them, and a few more I'm not going to list here) -- well, we tend to want to investigate "how can things things be?"
In the course of investigating, I just have to note that too many really abusive cases end up where women are marrying: much older men (obviously not true here), or much wealthier men. I think in my situation my ex wanted a "mommy," and probably picked wrong -- or, he just wanted revenge, and picked well. Who knows?
I hope women get smarter and realize to watch out for significant gaps in (a) age (b) income and (c) other factors -- when some man comes after them as Woman #2, or 3, or 4. How much pain could be avoided if some of them actually sat down and discovered whether the previous partner was such a bitch as she was portrayed to be..... I know we want to believe they love us for who WE are, and this is going to be an exception to all those other horror stories.
(No harm meant to decent guys out there, but it does seem to be an issue with the wrong kind).
The courts have changed radically (along with the country) in the past 10-20 years, and it's going to be hell to pay for a poor marital decision anymore. I say stay away from the wealthy ones.... And go with the pre-nups if you must formalize it and even if you're NOT wealthy.
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