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Mohamed Atta |
The judge in the Don Siegelman prosecution owned a company that helped train 9/11 pilot Mohamed Atta, according to a report from a Washington, D.C.-based investigative journalist.
U.S. District Judge Mark Fuller owned a 43.75 percent stake in Doss Aviation, a Colorado firm that has received lucrative federal contracts. Doss Aviation helped train Mohamed Atta, according to a new article from Wayne Madsen Report (WMR).
Atta is believed to have piloted American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Multiple reports in the mainstream press have stated that Atta trained at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, where Fuller has served as a judge in the Middle District of Alabama since his 2002 appointment by President George W. Bush.
WMR reports that Fuller's company assisted in Atta's flight training. From WMR, in a piece dated August 3-5, 2012: (WMR is a subscription site, and a link is not available to the content; we have received permission to run excerpts from the piece.)
U.S. Judge for the the Middle District of Alabama Mark Fuller, scheduled to re-sentence former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman on August 3 in Montgomery, was the previous owner of a firm that trained accused 9/11 lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. The information on Fuller's links to the 9/11 attack were uncovered by a former Republican Party campaign aid in Alabama who spoke to WMR on background.
Madsen's article first appeared last Friday morning, just before Fuller was to resentence Siegelman, the former Democratic governor of Alabama. Fuller proceeded to sentence Siegelman to five years and nine months in federal prison, on top of time already served--plus a $50,000 fine and 500 hours of community service. Siegelman would be 72 years old upon release if he serves the entire sentence. Fuller ordered that Siegelman turn himself over to federal custody by a curious date--Tuesday, September 11, 2012.
Does Fuller have reason to be fascinated with the date September 11? Madsden suggests the answer is yes:
WMR previously reported on Fuller's financial dealings with Doss Aviation, which, among other government business, had the contract to re-fuel Air Force One. Having had trained Atta, as well as Saudi, Iranian, and other Egyptian pilots to fly aircraft, the Colorado Springs, Colorado-based Doss Aviation was in a position to help carry out threats against Air Force One that were received by the presidential airplane's pilot on 9/11, specifically "Angel is next." Angel was the classified code word used at the time to denote Air Force One.
Ironically, as we reported earlier: "It is also noteworthy that the Doss Aviation active contract web page has a photo of the World Trade Center shaded in the colors of the U.S. flag. Fuller's firm has seen a growth in contracts and profits since the 9/11 attacks and U.S. military action in Iraq and Afghanistan."
The Washington Post, Newsweek, and Knight Ridder are among the mainstream news outlets to report that 9/11 pilots attended military training courses in the United States. Reporter Guy Gugliotta wrote a piece titled "Reconstructing the Hijackers' Last Days," for The Washington Post on September 16, 2001. From the Gugliotta article:
As the investigation gathered strength Saturday, unusual leads began to surface, among them the possibility that some of the hijackers may have received training at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida or other U.S. military facilities.
Two of 19 suspects named by the FBI, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi, have the same names as men listed at a housing facility for foreign military trainees at Pensacola. Two others, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, have names similar to individuals listed in public records as using the same address inside the base.
In addition, a man named Saeed Alghamdi graduated from the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, while men with the same names as two other hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari, appear as graduates of the U.S. International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, respectively.
"Some of the FBI suspects had names similar to those used by foreign alumni of U.S. military courses," the Air Force acknowledged in a statement. "However, discrepancies in their biographical data, such as birth dates 20 years off, indicate we are probably not talking about the same people."
A Knight Ridder report at the time, however, specifically pointed to the terrorist Mohamed Atta as training in Montgomery. That was outlined in a report titled "Did Terrorist Pilots Train at U.S. Military Schools?" by investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker. From the article, dated October 30, 2001:
In addition to having been inducted into the U.S. flight training program by two Dutch-owned flight schools in Venice, Florida, as many as six of the terrorists accused of hijacking four airliners on Sept. 11, including ringleader Mohammed Atta, also received training at U.S. military facilities, according to a flurry of stories between Sept. 15 and 17 in the Washington Post, Newsweek, and Knight Ridder newspapers.
The story had an extremely short life.
Newsweek reported that “U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.”
Knight Ridder’s news account was more specific. It said Mohamed Atta had attended International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. In addition, Abdulaziz Alomari had attended Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force base in Texas, it reported, and Saeed Alghamdi had been to the Defense Language Institute in Monterrey, California.
If true, these reports would have dealt a blow to the consensus portrait then emerging of the terrorist cadre as puritanical Islamic fundamentalists.
According to Wayne Madsen Report, the Mohamed Atta in Alabama was, in fact, the man who became a 9/11 terrorist--and he received training from Doss Aviation:
WMR can now report that one of the pilots Doss trained was Atta. The Egyptian-born pilot and accused Al Qaeda terrorist cell leader was often seen at the officer's club at Maxwell Air Force Base, where he was known as "Lieutenant Colonel" or merely "Colonel" Mohamed Atta of the Egyptian Air Force.
Is it possible that the Siegelman prosecution, the most notorious and flagrant political frame-up in American history, had ties to 9/11? Wayne Madsen says the answer is yes, and we will look at that angle next.
(To be continued)
Yes, 9-1-1. The ultimate crime which the United States of America's entire CONGRESSES as well, of course THE SUPREME COURT OF THE USA, and thus, but of course, the JUDICIAL.
ALL complicit in the greatest cover-up of all time:
The U.S. CONGRESS, did not want to lose the FREE LUNCHES for the families that are, such as, NANCY PELOSI and how many grand-kids?
Tim Geithner and the ilk that has stolen Americans' into the death dust bowl bin, US Dept of "Treasury?!"
PLEASE AMERICANS dial-up, clue-in, get it, counterfeit money traded and exchanged for "real," is considered criminal fraud.
The "Judicial" in the U.S. is not a "legitimate" JUSTICE. Uh oh.
Operating on counterfeit money while stealing all the U.S. citizens' "REAL" wealth, and act as if "exceptional."
Nazi Germany operated EXACTLY the same, "letters of credit" for the order of enslaving humanity.
Did not work in Germany, not then and not now. Angela Merkel ET AL are the same crime mobsters of families doing this "war" forever unjust enrichment for the criminally insane, clearly.
How did so many "licensed at a state B.A.R." get to be such an all powerful gestapo in the U.S.?!
Legal Schnauzer, brilliant investigative reporting.
I have a signed copy of JADED TASKS, by Wayne Madsen.
Time for all Americans to realize the alarm is screaming for us to wake up before the "silence of the lambs," is "fait accompli!"
Absolutely Staggering....this dysfunctional, thieving, capitalist should make no judgements about anyone at all......this has to be rectified. Obama has to act on this...it is ridiculous that it is still going on.
This shit is so out of hand, it's time for Great Britain to reclaim the Colonies that rightfully belong to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. We'd have a stable currency, lower taxes & better healthcare.
I knew some of those "Muslim" officers at Maxwell AFB. I would drink alcohol and watch strippers with them back in the 1990s. They certainly were "devout religious men" just like the "Christians" who sponsored their presence in the USA.
The Muslim crime syndicate & their Christian backers in Montgomery, Alabama used to have a very lucrative drug trade going using those jewelry stores in the malls & convenience stores. You could get the very best Mid East Ganga back then if you were in with the Pakistani Connection.
Heck, Rob, you might have crossed paths with "Col. Atta." And I love your comment about Great Britain. We probably would be better off as a colony. Their justice system has to be better than ours.
Rob: You mention the drug trade. Hasn't John Caylor written extensively about the drug trade going in and out of N Florida and SE Alabama? Hasn't he written that it has ties to Fuller and the Bush crowd?
Yes, Roger. John Caylor lays it all out at insider-magazine.com and it's all connected to Doss Aviation. Siegelman knew all about it before the Loyal Bushies came after him.
Roger: Back in 2005, I was eating lunch with some fellow Jones School of law grads who were retired from the military & without considering that there was a 9/11 conspiracy, I said the very same thing you did that we probably socialized with Atta & some of the hijackers before 9/11. It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. They told me to "shut the fu@k up" and made me an appointment with their psychiatrist which I didn't keep. I was only a Corporal, but they were all retired Colonels & Staff NCOs themselves. I definitely believe that the Montgomery Lawyers who were loyal to George W. Bush were in on something.
I've long been curious about Katie Langer's ability to immediately get into law school, post Siegelman. She is admitted to the bar almost exactly 3 years later, 2006 to 2009, which sounds like she went full time to Jones. Also sounds like she passed bar on first try, and I'm told she got a nice internship at Beasley law firm. Pretty sweet for a gymnastics instructor.
Sometimes I wish I had an attractive female body. I've had more than one lawyer tell me that "no firm is going to pay you to take the bar." Yet, I've seen so many firms pay female employees with no previous experience a full time salary to work part time hours while they not only take the bar, but attend law school & college before that if necessary. In Alabama, it's quite common for female "legal assistants" to hire in at 18 years old with no formal legal education and "work" their way up the corporate ladder to an attorney position, while men will have to hustle up work any way they can while they wait on their bar exam results. I'd like to see some male assistants at these firms sue them in a reverse Lilly Ledbetter action.
1 out of three, 9-11-12, av
Do you think male lawyers, partners and such, extract "favors" from their female subordinates ("legal assistants") in exchange for this support related to law school? It appears clear that Judge Fuller has made it a regular practice, both in Montgomery and when he was DA, of "getting a little on the side" from a female subordinate. Wonder how many partners at major AL firms have similar arrangements. Also wonder how many powerful judges and partners successfully lobby the AL State Bar to ensure that certain individuals pass the bar on the first try.
2 and 3, that long seven years was always in concrete,3-not to venture to so. bama?hmmm..av
Katie Langer may have been in the IDF, remember the scholarships upon loyalty to US Emperor Netanyahu.
Roger - I used to work for a firm that handled divorces for other lawyers and judges. I know it to be a fact that male lawyers (and even a few female ones) extract such favors. The ethics rules prevent me from discussing the particular lawyers involved. It's not that I feel like I owe the State Bar or the legal profession anything, but I still have respect for the client (even if he happens to be a lawyer) who has the right to expect confidentiality even years after the legal representation was rendered. Now, if you manage to survive me, remember that book I'm writing that will be published after my death :)
I'm hearing from several sources about certain AL lawyers who have a habit of taking sexual advantage of female clients in divorce cases. Working on that story as we speak. I guess that's a slightly different twist on a similar issue.
Just another day for the "Bush Crime Family."
Remembering Sept. 11 important, former U.S. Attorney General says
Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing at 8:36 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday September 11, 2001, when the first of four airliners hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into New York City’s World Trade Center.
The country watched in horror as the second plane hit, at 9:03 a.m., as the third plane flew into the Pentagon and the fourth flight crashed near Shanksville, Penn.
Former U.S. Attorney General and then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales was in Norfolk Va., speaking to government employees about ethics.
The now Texas Tech visiting professor said Wednesday he doesn’t yet know whether he’ll attend any of the local events honoring those who lost their lives in the attacks.
“I spent most of the morning trying to get back to Washington D.C.,” said Gonzales, who eventually secured a ride on a Navy helicopter. “After that, the meetings were all the time. We were trying to understand what happened and what was the appropriate response.”
Speaking to government employees about ethics is a sure sign it was an "inside job."
Alberto Gonzalez giving a talk about ethics? That's a hoot, isn't it?
Sort of like Wilt Chamberlain giving a talk on chastity.
I've been watching and collecting information on these clowns for years. No offense Roger, but I'm much younger than you & John Caylor. I have a memory like an elephant and I have plenty of kindling and dry wood. When the time is right, I'm going to start a really big fire, figuratively speaking. My ancestor Attorney General John Baker waited decades to burn his political enemies at the stake. In fact, it was the last five years or so of his life, but he didn't go to his grave until he tied up some loose ends :)
kudos rob, same here w/3 books ,av a victEm
more like a mini series, av
Im not positive but i believe atta"s bro, is a m.d.
in n-bama and treated me in 2001.
9-11 was indeed an inside job.
Anon at 7:08--
That's interesting. Do you know the possible bro's name and location in AL?
Interesting Colorado ties. It was Aurora Colorado where Aurora police pulled over suspects in 2008 involved with an alleged assassination attempt on Obama.
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