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Luther Strange and his campaign manager/minion Jessica Medeiros Garrison (From marieclaire.com) |
We can think of at least three reasons citizens might not want to get too excited about whatever Strange has planned in the Birmingham area:
(1) Strange is part of the corruption problem, not the solution, in metro Birmingham; I've seen evidence of that with mine own eyes;
(2) The Hubbard prosecution was politically tinged, and anything in and around Jefferson County likely will be even more so -- plus, we also look for it to have racial overtones;
(3) Early reports from al.com's John Archibald indicate the investigation will center on the Birmingham Water Works. (Wake me up when that one's over.) The Water Works board probably poses problems, but it hardly is the seat of corruption in the metro area. The heart of darkness in the Birmingham area beats loudest in its courthouses, law firms, and any entity that benefits from the Bob Riley Political Machine.
If Team Strange will not look into those three dark corners, it isn't going to accomplish much. My guess is that Luther and Co. have no intention of accomplishing much, other than to send a few black politicos to prison so that Luther can curry favor with white voters and enhance his chances at becoming governor in 2018. In fact, you can take this to the bank: Any "investigation" will leave the impression that the majority-white suburbs surrounding Birmingham -- Mountain Brook, Vestavia Hills, Homewood, Hoover, Trussville, etc. -- are led by noble public servants who never have an impure thought (except when they are on Ashley Madison). My guess is that the Strange Gang won't even look for any possible corruption in the white suburbs; this will be all about nailing a few dark folks.
Why is Strange part of the problem? Just consider the defamation lawsuit that his former campaign manager, Jessica Medeiros Garrison, filed against Legal Schnauzer and yours truly. Here are several undeniable facts from that case:
(1) Garrison committed perjury in a hearing when she falsely claimed, under oath, that I had reported Strange was the biological father of her son. Strange also testified in the hearing, and if he made the same false claim under oath, he also committed perjury.
(2) Strange has every reason to know Garrison did not provide lawful notice of her default application and hearing, meaning the $3.5 million judgment she received is void -- a nullity that is worth zero. Has Strange spoken out on the subject? Absolutely not.
(3) Strange has every reason to know that Jefferson County Circuit Judge Don Blankenship acted corruptly in failing to vacate Garrison's default judgment. Strange also has every reason to know that Garrison attorney Bill Baxley acted corruptly -- or turned a blind eye to corruption happening right under his nose. Again, has Strange brought this to public attention? Nope.
Speaking of speaking out, Strange is planning to investigate the area where a journalist was arrested less than three years ago -- in Shelby County -- for writing a blog. The case was so wildly outside the law that it made international news, and the journalist was the only member of his profession in 2013 to be incarcerated in the western hemisphere. He was the only U.S. journalist to be incarcerated since 2006, and based on our research, the only journalist in U.S. history to be imprisoned based on a preliminary injunction that has been prohibited under the First Amendment for more than 200 years.
That journalist, of course, is me. A Shelby County sheriff's deputy unlawfully entered our home, beat me up inside my own garage, doused me with pepper spray and hauled me for a five-month stay in the county jail -- all for writing a series of posts that never have been determined to be false or defamatory under the law. It's hard to imagine a more glaring example of corruption -- blatant criminality -- in the Birmingham area. Will Luther Strange investigate the lawyers, judges, and law-enforcement types who were behind it? Don't hold your breath.
Luther Strange has proven, without doubt, that he is a political animal, and a Birmingham grand jury under his purview is likely to be filled with political and racial overtones.
Mike Hubbard, for example, is a despicable human being, and he undoubtedly was guilty of the ethics charges against him. But Hubbard also was the No. 1 threat to Strange's goal of becoming governor, and there is little doubt Hubbard was prosecuted in order to get him out of the picture. Based on that -- and it pains me to say this -- the Hubbard convictions should be overturned on political-prosecution grounds. What was wrong when used against Don Siegelman at the federal level also is wrong when used against Mike Hubbard at the state level.
What does Strange hope to accomplish with the Jefferson County grand jury? My guess is that "Big Lutha" knows his Hubbard prosecution has pissed off a fair number of voters in his primary constituency -- white, pro-business conservatives. Strange probably hopes to win back such voters by shipping a number of black public officials off to prison, whether they have done anything wrong or not.
Matt Hart and Alice Martin, former colleagues in the U.S. attorney's office for the Northern District of Alabama and now a tag-team duo for Luther Strange, made a habit of going after people with dark faces and Democratic Party affiliations during the George W. Bush years. They know how that game is played, and I look for them to spearhead a re-run -- all in the name of furthering Luther Strange's political career, which likely will also further the political careers of Matt Hart and Alice Martin.
Here is the funny thing (as in ironic) that I'm sure has not occurred to Luther Strange: While Jefferson County probably has some corrupt black officials, the area's corruption problem overwhelmingly is driven by white conservatives -- especially those with links to former Governor Bob Riley. That corruption spreads into other parts of the metro area, especially Shelby County and Walker County and . . . well, just about every county that's anywhere near "the Ham." (Don't even get me started on Chilton County; Judge Sibley Reynolds represents a one-man assault on the U.S. Constitution.)
What are the chances that Luther Strange will go after even a few of the white sleazebags who actually drive corruption in Alabama's largest (and most important) metro area? The term "zero" comes to mind. In fact, I'd say "sub zero" might be a better description of the chances.
But if you are a black guy or gal, with ties to Birmingham Water Works or some other entity that might have left its mildly dirty laundry open to exposure, you probably should begin thinking about how you might look in an orange jumpsuit.
No way Luther Strange goes after Bob Riley or anybody like Bob Riley.
Well, here we, the State of Alabama, goes again; living up to the national recognition made public via, for public knowledge result of the Harvard Law School study revealing out of all 50 states, Alabama being #1 in leading the nation in government corruption................ Thanks Big Luther, a recent case involving the state's attorney general's office making national interest has rekindled renewed awareness involving paralleling prosecutorial misconduct involving his office in attempt [did] to send an innocent man to death row by withholding critical evidence provided his office by FBI, withheld from defense; whereupon after years in prison, and discovered, individual because of just this type of miscarriages of justice, a man Big Luther's office had fought so hard to railroad into prison and then literally murder because of their denying him a fair trial, because of persistence by a lone individual, sympathic attorney/judge did in fact walk free making national headlines and cable news, adding validity to the fact that this state is engaged in enforcement and judicial corruptions.
The Birmingham Water Works has a few black high-ranking officials doesn't it? Maybe that's why Lutha is going after them.
The target is the Jefferson County Racing Commission. Big Lutha might squeeze some water board goobers, but he wants Milton Mcgregor.
I'm sure members of the Mountain Brook City Council are really worried about this.
That's an interesting thought, @2:07; hadn't thought of that one. Does that imply that Luther's Indian gaming supporters are pushing for (and maybe even funding) this? Sounds like this could cross the line into criminal territory.
Pick and choose selective targeting, once more par for historical political course usages on the tax payer's dimes and nickels. While the controlled state media plays the three stooges acts of seeing, doing, hearing of no evils; just spoonfeed the public some more prescribed bullsh--, after all they are just common people, don't really car, can be told anything and believe it, and even it didn't, what they gonna do about it...... nothing; decades of the general populus' silence and media inactions speaks volumes, and those few that tried have paid dearly for their efforts. We're #1! as made public by Harvard Law School, and have losses, injuries, blood, and bodies along the way to prove so. The common man has slept while having been surrounded by wolves [themselves] in sheep's clothing.
Perhaps al.com is reporting about Birmingham Water Works as a diversionary tactic, knowing the real target is Milton McGregor and Jefferson County Racing?
You might be onto something, @2:50. Al.com published the following Cameron Smith article, blasting the reopening of VictoryLand. It's one of the dumbest, most ill-informed opinion pieces I've ever read, but sure indicates the paper is not happy that V'land is back in business:
Now that Milton has reopened, civil suit damages will run in the hundreds of millions.
Karen Carpenter is Mike's favorite singer. sing a song,sing out loud, sing out long
Rickey Stokes is reporting that Bentley and Strange have met over concerns about VictoryLand reopening:
Thanks for sharing URL to Stokes article, @3:00. Here are some things that jump out at me from article:
"I was in Montgomery yesterday but for some reason I was not invited to attend (the Bentley/Strange meeting).
But UNOFFICIAL sources have communicated to me that Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange was attempting to get the Governor to authorize the impeachment of local Sheriff's and District Attorney's who did not prosecute electronic bingo.
Remember Governor Bentley ordered the enforcement actions on the local Sheriff's and District Attorney's. This discussion came as a result of Victoryland re-opening.
Now Governor Bentley is being investigated by Attorney General Luther Strange. This first places the Governor in a bad situation. A man with unchecked power who is attempting to destroy the Governor, is asking the Governor to impeach local Sheriff and District Attorney's if they do not do as they want.
Remember also, the State of Alabama has spent millions of dollars on electronic and never prosecuted a single case in criminal court.
Governor Bentley stated he did not want another Bob Riley/John Tyson deal the last years of his administration. Heck he is already dealing with zippergate.
They are scheduled to meet again in the next week or so to make a plan to waste more state money. All of the murders in this state do not matter, just electronic bingo."
Who are McGregor's (publicized and/or unpublicized) investors in Victoryland & other gambling ventures?
In the matter of criminal investigations, I've often wondered about the politicians, attorneys, and business owners who get investigated for tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, etc,and when confronted by one or more agencies, they're offered a deal: instead of spending the State's money (and your money, Mr. or Ms. Criminal) how about you pay hundreds of thousands in restitution, take an early retirement (in some cases) & we keep your name out of the papers -- No trial, no one has to know, and we keep the fines at the state level to use for things like fighting bingo.
I have to think this happens a lot more than we know, leaving Mr. or Ms. Criminal free and clear to keep the facade going: Church on Sunday and not a hint of impropriety
BIG LUTHER, THE TOP DOG IN STATE OF ALABAMA LAW ENFORCEMENT AND HIS #1 TEAM ARE SOON DUE FOR SOME UNEXPECTED WEDGYINGS. "Going to a party in the county jail",oldie by the King, Elvis; but correction, here, in these situations will be, going to the parties in federal prisons for serving time as Siegelman is getting out from falsely imprisoned because of same corrupt antics being exposed.
Iceman @ 4:36, are you hoping for the top state dog's alleged corruption to be exposed, or are you suggesting that an investigation is already under way into top dog?
Aboard the Eliza Battle, Gunner Bob Yancy was reporting that out of 10 bingo balls fired at the pirate ship Revenge; one ball hit Big Lutha on the cheek. Aboard the Revenge,Big Lutha assured Anne Bonny that the bruise on his cheek will not be visible once he puts his pants back on. He also said they may won today, but he would get his revenge by knight.
I'm not the "Iceman", but ill winds are blowing and will increase to lightning gust joining with ominous clouds now gathering just over yon horizons. It was said most recently that "NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW"; enough said!
Not one but two X-Men! Well, i like it and hope that the Jefferson County Waterworks will equal Bama Corruption Fireworks...
Maybe off topic but (politics aside-this has nothing to do with pro or anti death penalty) -- in the realm of possible corruption: does anyone know who got rich over the years providing drugs for lethal injections? Was the 'cocktail' mix shortage the real reason that AL executions came to a halt last year?
More important: why won't AL state officials reveal where they get their drugs, because - according to an AL.com article in the past week- the major manufacturers of the drugs have said they won't supply them for executions.
(Jaw dropping) Don't think for one NYmin that this doesn't happen all over the USA and world. S/B Mandatory reading at any law school.
S C @ 09/19/16 10:50 PM
Do not limited your thoughts to one Municipality, ominous clouds becoming heavier gathering accumulations of moistures will soon be blown more and more persistently continuous ever widening that is due to rain on, thought of to be untouchables, parades.
Sounds good @10:50 p.m. We shall wait with bated breath for rain showers on the horizon of Bama and beyond.
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