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Rebecca and Jon Mason |
Rebekah Caldwell Mason, whose affair with the governor led to First Lady Dianne Bentley's divorce complaint last Friday, has been paid $426,978.43 via her Tuscaloosa-based company, RCM Consulting. Those campaign expenditures are shown at the Alabama Secretary of State Web site.
Records at open.alabama.gov show that Mason has received $161,571.67 in state funds during the Bentley administration. Those payments--in fiscal years 2011, 2012, and 2013--were listed mostly as "personnel costs," with a small amount for "out of state travel."
That brings total payments, to Rebekah Mason or her company, to $588,550.10.
The total expands considerably when you consider payments to Jon Mason, Rebekah's husband, in his role as director of the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Bentley appointed Jon Mason as director in 2011, and the office since has morphed into servealabama.gov.
At the "About Serve Alabama" Web page, the office's mission states:
ServeAlabama is a state agency under the office of the Governor of Alabama.
Serve Alabama, The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service works to increase an ethic of service and volunteerism in the State of Alabama, strengthen the capacity of Alabama’s faith and community-based organizations, and promote collaboration among individuals and organizations striving to meet some of the greatest needs in our state.
We Serve Alabama in the following ways:
We serve as the Alabama State Service Commission, granting and administering (10) State AmeriCorps Programs across Alabama.
We are the state’s lead agency for Volunteer and Donations Management after disasters. Our work in this role includes response to Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina, Deepwater Horizion Spill and the April 2011 tornadoes.
We serve as a liaison to the state for faith-based and community-based non-profit groups.
We administer FEMA’s Disaster Case Management Program for survivors of the April 2011 storms.
We administer the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund.
We administer ReadyAlabama.gov, Alabama’s statewide disaster preparedness campaign.
Our role is to serve the people of Alabama and carry out the goals and objectives of the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service through partnerships, integrity, and a sense of community.
How is Jon Mason, as a former weatherman at WVUA in Tuscaloosa, qualified to head such an agency? That remains unclear, but public records show he has been paid well with taxpayer dollars. For FY 2014, the most recent full fiscal year on record, Mason received $94,673.27. It looks like he will be pushing a six-figure salary when FY 2015 is completed.
Jon Mason's total compensation during the Bentley years is $393,539.82. When you add that to Rebekah Mason's haul, you get a total of $982,089.92--and our sources say the official numbers do not represent all funds paid to the Mason family under Bentley.
Alabama is in the midst of a budget crisis, with reports that 15 state parks will be closed and statewide driver's license bureaus will be reduced to four.
But at least someone has profited nicely under Robert Bentley's leadership. And that is the Rebekah and Jon Mason family of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
How about you leave Jon out of this. He's being paid a state salary just like any other director that's the head of a state agency. Some directors make even more than him. If all is true Jon is a victim of the situation just as well as the First Lady. They both trusted their spouses to work closely together and both are devastated to learn something inappropriate was going on.
I don't disagree that the state needs more money. But until they address waste, like this, why should I vote for increased taxes?
Drip . . . drip . . . drip . . .
I trust folks won't get all verklempt about this picture since there aren't any children in it.
As the young people say on the Facebooks . . . smh (shake my head).
A two-bit weatherman gets to head a state agency at almost six figures, plus state benefits for the entire family.
Nothing to see here. All is well at Tuscaloosa's First Baptist Church. Roll Damn Tide, Paul!
Doesn't the New Testament say a thing or two about greed, that the love of money isn't a good thing? Sounds like Gov. "Dr. Love" Bentley and Ms. Mason have forgotten some of their scripture.
Parker Griffith and Ron Sparks must be cackling to the moon right now.
You are either nuts or one brave news blotter. I believe you are brave, that you are trying to bring to light the crimes of our state leaders. My hat is off to you for taking a stand. So far as I can see you are the only one to write/ask the questions many of us would like answered. Why the other big time news reporters are not writing about this I do not understand? Are we to the point here in Alabama that this type of action along with the speaker of the house and his 23 count indictment,just another day at the office? I mean we turned over a million stones trying to find were the president had been born even after he was elected by the people. These guys here in Bama, Hubbard & the governor told us they were better than this, that they were not crooks, that they did believe in God, family values. It looks like we have been fooled again. Only this time they used God and the Good Book to fool us. I pray that there is someone here in Alabama that will look into this. If the governor has used our tax dollars to support a girlfriend, then he needs in the same cell as our other governor. It is past time to clean house here in bamaland. These lawmakers need to be run out of town on a rail, sweep the state clean!!!!!
"Dr. Love" and "The Divine Ms. M" are just name-droppers when it comes to Jesus Christ. Lots of people are name-droppers when it comes to the guy who died for our sins.
The "Divine Ms. M" . . . me likey . . . me thinks that is going to stick.
Al.com reports that Dianne Bentley was so p-ssed at hubby/guvvy that she almost did not attend his inauguration back in January. Their sons also almost stayed away. But al.com still can't bring themselves to report on the affair, the money trail, etc. I guess Mrs. Bentley was just "going through a phase" back then.
Jesus Christ died for my sins? I thought he died so I could keep on sinning. That's what the kids in school told me.
Hah! You must have gone to the same school as Dr. Love and The Divine Ms. M, @8:58.
I'm hearing Rebekah Mason is more in the 43-45 age range than 38-40.
@8:46 ... NO .... Roger Shuler is NUTS.... his lawyer told us so ....
"Mr. Shuler and his wife experienced excessive psychological trauma, resulting in the defendant spending six (6) days in a psychiatric unit, in direct relation to these events, and was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
See Roger...that is what we call proof...something that Roger lacks any of for making his statements about RCM ....
Hey Roger .... ready to go back to the pokey and meet your boyfriend Bubba again ? Bring some lube this time
I, too, am hearing that RCM is older than my original post indicated. Hope she appreciates being identified as in her 30s. The best source I have has her at age 43.
Affair? An MSM reporter told me that's just from the imagination of bloggers and talkers, a social media thing. It's not reality.
Why is my previous post here not showing? I'm glad you are exposing this and thank you. Not sure why I'm being censored?
This is by far worse than anything Don Siegelman was accused of. Where is the DOJ?
If I were you, LS, I wouldn't put up with garbage from an anonymous piece of crap like @9:11. He defamed you yesterday, and he's defaming you again today. I would be more than happy to beat his ass for you. Tell us your name, troll, so you can get the whuppin you've been asking for.
You might try sending your comment again, @9:16. I'm almost getting more comments than I can handle, so yours might have fallen through the cracks. If so, my apologies. I do kick out comments that are inappropriate, nonsensical, wildly inaccurate, offensive, etc. But I don't think I've kicked out anything today, so far.
Now we know why RCM was able to hold her nose and get it on with Dr. Love. It was all about the green.
You want to be my brother, Dr. Bentley? Here is a big "no, thank you" to that.
Introducing . . . Governor Kay Ivey! How does that grab ya? Gives me shivers.
She is 43. Graduated from Haleyville High School in 1990.
I hear Nick Saban is so pissed about being in the earlier update he is leaving. Maybe once the Tide sucks in football the legislature will finally get down to business and affect something that matters.
Bye bye Bentley. Confession is good for the soul. I heard that in addition to all this crony money that her husband also works for Bryant Bank. Incest never goes out of style in Montgomery and Tuscaloosa.
Memo to 10:28 --
Send me an e-mail and ID yourself and contact info, and I would be glad to discuss my health, mental or otherwise--and I also would like to ask you a few questions about your mental health. Your comments display signs of several possible personality disorders, so we can make that a part of our discussion. Look forward to hearing from you. (Based on the digital information you've left with each of your comments, I'm I know who you are, and where you are, anyway. But still would be interesting to see if you have the guts to ID yourself on your own. Of course, we all know you won't, so it's nice that I know who you are, and where you are, without you having to tell me. Ever heard of geolocation? It can be your friend; it's certainly my friend. Thanks for visiting, and I hope this helps bring you peace of mind; after all, I'm "nuts.")
I know this looks very, very bad, but weren't most of the funds paid to RCM Consulting for political advertising, meaning that Mason would have had to turn around and spend the money on buying the actual ads?
Weatherman get six figure state job because his wife is governor's girlfriend? Still cronyism, he doesn't get a pass. JV
Rebekah's name is misspelled in the headline.
Thanks for the alert, @11:31. I've made the fix.
I see where Kyle Whitmire of al.com is attacking you on Facebook. I guess he can't do any actual reporting, so he has to resort to cheap shots in social media.
Yes, I noticed that, too, @11:36. Kyle goes lower than cheap shots; he resorts to absolute falsehoods. I posted a comment, challenging him to answer several questions, which I'm sure he won't be able to do because it would take a little effort--and the answers wouldn't fit his agenda. No wonder al.com is going out of business, even though it has no competition.
First, the official story from AL.com:
And here’s what Legal Schnauzer says is the inside scoop:
Reported by the media RCM is a 1989 HS graduate.
Here is a delightful picture of a happy couple mugging for the camera.
"Alabama Governor Robert Bentley with his Communications Director, Rebekah "Becky" (Caldwell) Mason Thursday afternoon outside the Band Room at Haleyville High School. Mason is a 1989 graduate of HHS and was a member of the band. Bentley surprised the band during rehearsal.
Posted in Education"
Thank you Legalschnauzer for having the balls to bring some light to this situation. I don't care if Gov had an affair, I'm certainly surprised viewing his pics and TV appearances but the money is obviously very good. I guess we could call the
Divine Ms. M. a high class prostitute. However, I am incensed that all this "milehighing" that was going on was on state equipment, using taxpayer money and that the cheaters were being protected by a state trooper that also benefitted to the tune of 250,000$.
If these allegations are untrue, why do the Dr. and "the Divine Ms. M" refuse to make a comment, emphatically deny and threaten legal action? Guess they can't.
As to the totally mean spirited commenter that called you "nuts", karma is a bitch. People sometimes need the help of mental health professionals and facilities. It doesn't mean that they are "nuts", it means that they are temporarily unable to cope with a difficult situation or mental health issue.
Mr. Mean Spirited, I would define you as a narcissistic sociopath, with personality disorder. Perhaps you should seek professional help also.
I'm just wondering when the national news media will come calling? Will "The Enquirer" be first to "break the story?" I keep remembering the good christian governor of South Carolina, Mark Sandford, and the sleaze factor that played out in national media. I don't think this fiasco can be buried -- well, anywhere except maybe in Alabama. Of course, if there is taxpayer money inappropriately used, then it should be investigated here...but "crickets."
The national blogosphere will be here today.
JoeMyGod just put it out there.
What is your email address?
It's on the front page of the blog, down the right-hand side, right under the "About Me" box.
I'm the 8:46 and I DO NOT THINK you are a nut. You are in fact a very brave man for standing up to the people you have. You have asked the tough questions we all want and need to know. I can only guess at the level of stress you have been put under for taking this stand. Most people, including myself would break under that amount of stress. Take care of yourself, take whatever legal meds you dr gives you. Nothing is wrong with that at all!!!! No one here on this blog is in a spot to judge the medical conditions of others. From what I read here, your words make sense to me. If you are nuts, then what do we call those people down at the capital? Far worst than you, that's for sure.
I think she is so hot, what washed up old white guy wouldn't want in her panties?
It gives old white guy's like me hope!!!
The hypocrisy of Bentley and his bunch is pathetic. This state is floundering, while all these dysfunctional, lying hypocrites in charge are laughing all the way to the bank.
And to all the people who think Bentley is innocent, why do you think his wife of 50 years just can't stand him anymore? It's not because they have grown apart. LOL! She was being made a fool of and he was carrying on and wasting our tax dollars, on a woman young enough to be his daughter, and giving cushy, high paying jobs to her husband. Bentley is just too dumb to see he was being used, as well.
They should all resign and get lost before this story really explodes.
I'd like to know why this information hasn't been given to bigger news sources such as CNN and ABC news. If not he will never be investigated, admit or resign. Our state is already broke and he is a good reason why it is. He will continue to bully the legislature and the great people of this state. He is doing nothing but running this state in the ground while he gets rich. It's all about what he wants when he wants it and NOTHING about the people who placed him in office. He took an oath when he was placed in office. Please for goodness sake pass this information on to bigger news sources. Put pressure on him for his resignation!
😂 This response is hysterical! You are certainly "smarter than the average bear"!
There all be a hot spot in hells for the man who beat his bible to the position of governor.. I'll be glad to see him follow the footsteps and sharing a cell with Donald Siegelman.
Leave her husband's pictures out of this. I'll send you my picture to photoshop. Heck, I'll admit to having an affair with her, and I've never even met her.
I was all for Bentley for reelection, until the days after the election, when he let the bomb drop about the horrible problems the state faced. He should have mentioned it during the election race, but he knew people would be upset, and that would be a problem. Now, I say "Karma really is a bitch", and let the chips fall where they may. When you threaten Medicare patients who already exist, you could possibly be evil! Or a politician. Either way, how dare you toy with the poorest of the poor! It is jerks like you who hope for an immediate reaction so we can "stop this from happening!" How about we stop you from any more damage to this state! The Democratic Party in this state has all but been declared DOA, but hideous events like this gives them a little breathing room
Please, before you harm the GOP more than anyone else in recent memory (this is Alabama, remember) just step down and disappear into that quite night. You have apparently been a liar for a while.
I don't want to see families upset at all, but don't run for office and then mess around! I feel sorry for the current Mrs. Bentley, but go on girl! Way to be strong after all this time!
This is a great state, and will be better when Bentley isn't in charge. Unfortunately, Kay Ivey is hiding in the shadows. Elections do have consequences, as we can see on a national level.
Such a disappointment. Apparently you not taking a salary hasn't affected how much you pay all of your "underlings".
Have a nice day.
wow he was banging his married staffer and she got paid big bucks for her sex service. Nice to how how the GOP lawmakers work their power. Now the Governor took office and paid for sex with State money. I feel bad for his wife of 50 years and learn this and likely this is just the first time he got caught.
Agree with Above Statements and heard from Alabama people there is something Much Worse Than This Being Kept Under Cover.
Don doesn't deserve that.
Sad that you have to bash the more accurate al.com just to make yourself look big.
I'd say I feel sorry for Mrs. Bentley, his wife of fifty years, but I think she's better off without that scumbag!
What a headline!
Gotta keep your husband-in-law happy.
Why is it that Gov. Bentley want to seal his divorce and First Lady Bentley didn't make this request.
In my humble opinion, no one should ever trust what a lawyer says! Lawyers and doctors work together, so of course they will say and do anything to help their case. I read a post that Roger witnessed a man jump to his death in jail. I think anyone in his right mind would be traumatized by what the Shulers were subjected to.
Is the Bubba comment making light of sexual assault? Does perpetuating the stigma of mental illness help anyone? Roger is crazy like a fox!
This is similar to John Edward and Rielle Hunter. I guess he thinks Alabama's state's rights arguments include money to the mistress. I can imagine that somewhere hidden deep in the tax code, there is a federal and state (where it applies) mistress/Ashley Madison tax credit.
Nothing "inappropriate" was going on at all.
Screw you
The thing about this affair is that the keeper of the crypt with the corpse-face has spent nearly a million dollars on it. A big portion of which is coming from taxpayer money . . . and now he's calling a special session with the express purpose of raising taxes! He could have probably built a few roads or bought a few textbooks for schools with that million dollars. And there is no innocent party here. It isn't Clinton and a young impressionable Monica Lewinsky. It is between a grown woman with a family and children who also has a history of affairs. And she and her husband have all used their cunning to make a profit off of all of this. Bentley has the satisfaction of "reliving" his youth at the taxpayers' expense and she gets to laugh all the way to the bank, also at the taxpayers' expense. They really thought they had it made, but the wife finally threw a wrench in it with her divorce claim. I think as far as the wife is concerned, she's had enough and wants to get her money while there is still some to be had and be rid of the guy. She can play the game, too and she's going to show them!
He died for your sins. If you don't sin he died for nothing.
Roger, if you have a shred of evidence to back up your allegations please publish them. So far I see nothing to prove anything that is being alleged in regard to Bentley et al. Yet you and others are publishing statements as if they were facts. Unless someone was with them every minute of every day how on earth would anyone have any proof of these salacious allegations? If it turns out to be factual, I don't think any of this is anyone's business. Live and let live.
I see nothing wrong with Bentley hiring people to provide services. These people are working for a living and providing services. If it weren't them it would be someone else providing the same services. What's the problem?
By the way, I don't know any of these people and have nothing whatsoever to gain by offering my opposing view in this venue. I just don't like roasting someone over private matters that have nothing to do with me or anyone except those directly involved.
All I can do is suggest you read my posts. The information is there. If it doesn't satisfy you, so be it.
I'm hearing rumors out of Montgomery today that Rebekah is pregnant. You heard any thing on this?
I did not have sexual relations with that woman!!!!
I haven't heard the pregnancy rumors. I have heard of some very creative ways that have been set up to funnel money to her. Don't have that firm enough to report yet, but getting close. Might be the biggest part of the story.
Does anyone know if the governor's fellow traveler Crock Pot Moore is involved in this?
So, I hear Rebekah Mason hired a very high-priced lawyer:
Alabama politics at its finest. I live in this state and can absolutely agree that it is the most corrupt. Better yet, citizens continuously reelect people with proven records of not being qualified! Case and point: Roy Moore.
I can't help but to think of the staffer being "loaned" to the governor by her husband in return for a cush director of an agency the gov pulled out of his ass. What does he do day to day worth that kind of cash?!
Alabama has long operated under the "good ol' boy" system and unless you are a white, Republican, STRAIGHT, male then you are shit out of luck.
Thanks for sharing, @9:16. If she's hired Bobby Segall, that adds an intriuging new element to things. He was involved with criminal defense in Siegelman case and Alabama bingo case. Perhaps he's on board for possible criminal defense with RCM, although he practices several kinds of law? Will be interesting to see what develops there.
Or a Demorat!
LOL "after approval"
I moved to Alabama 4 yrs ago for my career. I left a state up north (yes, I have learned to not capitalize the 'n') and was blindly naive until I started listening to Dale Jackson and Matt Murphy. My new home state is no different than the one I happily left behind. Sordid politics are not state or region specific. Same stuff, different Zip code. This entanglement is reminiscent of General Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. How does a man still call himself a man and permit his wife to openly, repeatedly cuckold him? Is money so highly prized? Scott Broadwell and Jon Mason need to kick some ass and leave their admitted harlots at the curb with the trash. I'm married more than 40 years and nothing like this would result in anything but a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.
'Becky' just had to show off her new (overpriced with customs duty) Burberry scarf and brelly. I'm guessing this trip to Old Blighty was her first. A conspicuous consumer, to be sure. SMH
just checked in to see how things were going on the blog and it appears to be going gang busters or shall we say revealing to say the least. Congrats on the coverage and the readership. you have worked long and hard at this and of course with sex selling the govenor obliged and really helped the blog along,. Now I KNOW THAT WASN't his intent, but just the same, its nice to be noticed.
Nice to see things are going so well the govenor can put his mistress on the payroll. from the looks of it, he isn't getting his sex for cheap.
having read the last 3 posts, I couldn't stop laughing. for all what these politicians have put you through, this looks good on them. congrats. may you live a long and happy life and be rewarded with some of these politicians going to jail. good work.
Alabama politics would make a great t.v, series, better than those other reality shows.
I"m still trying to figure out what kind of a Church this First Baptist of Tuscaloosa is. I mean, these Masons meet the Bentleys their, form a union that apparently isn't entirely political, and start reaping large salaries off of it. In the meantime, the Governor hesitates not to funnel money their way via all kinds of means. And, yet, I got kicked out of First Baptist one day for practicing "Oh Danny Boy" on the piano. I guess I should consider it an honor that I was given the royal escort out by their haughty secretary.
Murph, the ole man has apparently become one of the elitist, on the social register; only a tweet away from the heart beat of potential next president of united states, maybe all of the family's friends and loyal bloggers will get the word out of Shu having achieved this status, next we know "the Donald" and Shu front pages political magazines.
One is left to wonder if "the Donald" appearing in Mobile at Ladd Stadium in what he believed was in good faith political cause for Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions in the immediate aftermath of his office's advisors being sent multiple email complaint letters expressing discuss his appearing with Sessions, especially when advocating rights and laws, and too the mentioning about the depth state corruption that put you illegally in jail, after beaten in your home, kept without bond; may just have caught some ranking advisor's eye. When Trump was told via emails how he was allowed to be made a public fool of by Sessions, Sessions involving the covering up of state corruptions he may have decided your were his man, one with a honorable political ear to the ground, having the respect of the public, therefore from all of us don't let him down; tell him the real truths, beyond those nickel and dime, you know what I mean, they are way overdue closures, right.....thanks.
why haven't you reported the Facebook friendship of Charles Dean and Becca ? Its relevant considering the softball story he wrote about her and the Gov. See comments on her page/pictures from Dec. 2014.
Yes, it is relevant, and I haven't reported it because I didn't know about it. Thanks for filling me in, and you are right, the Dean article was a wretched piece of "journalism." FWIW, there is a Charles J. Dean, from Birmingham, on the Ashley Madison list. I sent him an e-mail, asking for a comment, and he has ignored it. This might be a great way to combine the Bentley scandal and the Ashley Madison scandal. What fun!
crazy like a fox
Im sure the AM "johns" are forever grateful for the gov and her having this coming out party, can you say Ashley who? FWIW there is a Joe Reed from Montgomery on it also. Wouldn't want to appear partisan would you?
Fox News has continuously refused to respond to all offerings of information regarding ANY forms of corruptions involving the State of Alabama------------
Has the whole state really been stole; sold and bought at others pleasure?
So much credibility for Fox's "Fair and Balance" also "We report, you decide" mottos.
Never fear, @9:38, the AM story isn't going away.
Fox News and CNN CONTINUOUSLY refuses to accept offers of information regarding fact based stories involving State of Alabama corruptions.
Undermines credibility of Fox News "Fair and Balance" and "We Report, You decide".
It's no wonder "we the people" are so disgusted today, bad enough having to deal with corrupt politicians, more and more obvious intentional failing to report news worthy political items, meaning too, beyond who's literally in bed with who on the tax payer's dollar[s], but worst what appears complicity by acclaiming to be responsible media in covering up malfeasances far beyond those Siegelman politically persecuted for.
"We the people" having been so screwed over for so long, by officials, more surfacing of media's non-reporting are so pissed-off with both maybe don't really know which the most disingenuous.
Our nation is spiraling out of control while Lucifer fiddles around his bond-fires more than ever before since God Almighty in his infinite wisdom kicked his ass out of Heaven.
Are we now to lazy to get off our asses and vote these corruptors out, even if putting in political rookies? WHAT SAY YOU?
I think it was Donald Watkins, @10:26, who reported that the Bentley admin gave a nice donation to the Alabama Press Association. Don't think I've ever heard of a governor doing such a thing, but maybe it has bought the mainstream press' silence on the matter. Maybe Bentley already was in the midst of an affair, or planning to be involved in an affair, so he wanted the press on his side.
I have contemplated writing this since early this morning. I've just not had the energy due to depression. Rob Riley has been instrumental in destroying my life. The Rileys have been so destructive to so many people, yet are held in high esteem by a number of folks. Well, I am beginning to feel the same way about Robert Bentley. Bentley and Bob Riley are birds of a feather. These two were buddies in college.
If you have solid information of wrongdoing regarding Rob Riley, or any other member of Team Riley, feel free to share the information via rshuler3156@gmail.com or we can arrange a time to talk by phone. This probably is the only news site in Alabama that will take allegations against Team Riley seriously. That doesn't mean we automatically publish such allegations, but we will investigate. And if the information proves solid, we will report it.
How can the mainstream media pretend to be unbiased if they are accepting donations from a government administration? Gracious! I think the only thing Bentley has been good at is getting his ring of cronies around him in all positions of government, apparently.
No crossed fingers behind your back, right?
I have decided that the Masons were in this together. When they saw that the Gov was attracted to Rebekah, they cooked up a scheme to enrich themselves. Hubby turned a blind eye because they saw a way to make a boat-load of money. They have now left the state as soon as she has landed a job in another state. If hubby had not been in on the plan, he would have divorced her as soon as it hit the fan.
Congrats on having this out there when AL.com and the rest of the media had their heads up their arses. Looks like a lot of your commenters owe you a huge apology. But seeing as they're Bentley supporters (maybe even on his payroll), don't hold your breath.
Since we the tax payers paid her her!..Can we use her for a bit?
do you mean the governor was talking to mrs.mason in that tv news recording? damn and i thought he was talking to " Jake,jake from state farm "
How about we don't leave Jon out of this. I believe he was paid off to look the other way. Screw them both.
And no more "godly men" should run for office, be appointed or elected to a position that welds such power.
How about we get rid of all of these three losers! That hypocrite of a Governor needs to go and all need to be investigated and indicted for any illegal or inappropriate activities.To hell with all of them...
Pay to Play!
How do you mean, forget Jon.. consider this, he shared his wife sexually to be a millionaire. Not one snuggle for 1 million, it was a LIFETIME open marriage...
Yes he's old enough be her sugar daddy!! Bentley u big dummy
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