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Rebekah Caldwell Mason, her husband Jon, and their three children (From Facebook) |
Rebekah Caldwell Mason owns RCM Communications Inc. of Tuscaloosa, which was handsomely compensated for its work in advertising and polling for Bentley's re-election campaign in 2014, according to records from the Alabama Secretary of State's Office.
First Lady Dianne Bentley filed for divorce last Friday after 50 years of marriage, and we reported yesterday that an extramarital affair with Mason was the primary source of friction in the governor's marriage.
Mason became Bentley's communications director after his 2010 election, and she served as press secretary for the 2014 campaign. Bentley hired her husband, former WVUA weatherman Jon Mason, in 2011 to serve as director of the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.
It's not clear yet how much Rebekah Mason has been paid in taxpayer money since Bentley became governor. But between her pay from campaign funds, and her husband's pay from state resources . . . well, serving Team Bentley has been lucrative for the Mason family.
How lucrative? According to Lagniappe, a weekly publication in Mobile, the Bentley campaign paid RCM Communications more than $112,000 for advertising in 2013, the year before the election. That was the single largest expenditure from all campaign accounts for that year. From the article, titled "Rules Vague on 'Personal Use' of campaign finance money":
The year before an election, campaign committees across Alabama spent more than $4.5 million from their respective accounts in 2013, according to a review of recent reports. The expenses were ledgered against more than $15.4 million in itemized statewide cash contributions.
Besides Gov. Robert Bentley, who was the leading fundraiser in the cash category with $3.1 million last year, other leaders included Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey with $466,840.59, Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard with $444,697.44, Sen. Roger Bedford with $396,615.73, Sen. Slade Blackwell with $379,550 and Sen. Arthur Orr with $343,010.00. . . .
Combined, Hubbard’s legal expenses were the second-largest single expense from all campaign accounts last year behind Gov. Bentley, who paid RCM Communications in Tuscaloosa $112,000 for advertising.
The payment for advertising was not the only money RCM received from the Bentley campaign in 2013. The total figure for that year is $143,700.75, with the additional funds coming in categories such as "polling/consulting," "travel," "lodging," and "administrative."
Lagniappe points out that candidates can dip into dangerous territory if they use campaign funds for "personal use":
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Rebekah Caldwell Mason, with U of Alabama coach Nick Saban (From Facebook) |
The FCPA more specifically prohibits expenses on household supplies, personal clothing, tuition payments, mortgage or rent, utility payments for a personal residence, admission or event fees for a country club or a social club, or any other expense, excluding food and beverages, which “would exist irrespective of the candidate’s campaign or duties as a legislator.” The state’s Ethics Act defines the law further, adding that contributions to an officeholder or candidate shall not be converted for personal use.
Were the payments to Rebekah Mason's company made in part because of her personal relationship with the governor? The answer is unclear at the moment. But it is clear that she was paid well.
In 2014, during the months leading to the November election, RCM received $283,277.38 from the Bentley campaign. If my math is correct, that brings the company's total haul, over roughly a 14-month period in two calendar years, to $426,978.43.
When you add Jon Mason's state salary for that time frame, the Mason family brought in more than half a million dollars--in just more than one year's time. All from Bentley-related activities.
Speaking of Jon Mason, where does Rebekah Caldwell Mason's husband fit into this picture? We will take a look at that in an upcoming post.
And . . . the money trail begins.
You are a sorry sack of shit for bringing the kids into it by posting their pictures....not sure how you can get much lower than that but I am sure you will find a way....
As a parent and teacher, I wish that you would reconsider your first photo choice. Her children have not done anything wrong and this is not about them. Post a photo of the adults, but not the kids. Thank you for your consideration.
Good Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Mason made half a mill in less than 14 months time! Man, the Bentley Gravy Train pays well, even when the state budget is about to crash.
I think we're starting to learn why the fetching Ms. Mason was willing to jump in the rack with "Montgomery Burns" Bentley. Money, money, money.
Looks like at least one of the trolls is back. This should be fun.
Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks the picture with the children is abhorrent to post on a story about their parents' behavior.
Please remove it, those kids have enough to deal with before having their picture all over the 'net.
I would suggest that Mrs. and Mr. Mason should have thought about their children's feelings before engaging in seedy, money-grubbing activities. They apparently didn't think about their kids at all, so any discomfort is on the parents' shoulders, not on the shoulders of a blogger.
Please remove the picture of Nick Saban. We need to kick Wisconsin's ass on Saturday, and we might not be able to do it if Coach is distracted.
Why would Roger remove the kids photo? He used full frontal erection photo of his supposed photo of the judge. Yes, he is a scumbag.roger shuler
I agree with Big Al. Forget about the kids, just remove the picture of Coach Saban!
LOL. These people make a living claiming to have family values. When they are exposed as frauds you must remember it was them who brought their family into the discussion, not the press. I bet Bentley and his mistress represent the real values of most of the Republicans in Alabama. "Do as I preach, not as I do." This just makes Alabama more of a national laughingstock, and it's hard to believe that was even possible.
Family values republicans: Our family lives well on the taxpayer's teat! Leave our kids out of it!
She posted picture on Facebook. She was using he kids for public gain.
I'm glad you are covering the story, but I agree with others that the picture of the kids should come down.
Nick Saban, take his picture away? Are you kidding, he is very connected with the Kriminal Kudzu republican ilk in this state. Who cares about who wins a football game? Citizens of this ridiculous state have more to worry about than football. What is the average IQ of this state anyway? Would be interesting to find out.
LOL. These people make a living claiming to have family values. When they are exposed as frauds you must remember it was them who brought their family into the discussion, not the press. I bet Bentley and his mistress represent the real values of most of the Republicans in Alabama. Do as I preach, not as I do. This just makes Alabama more of a national laughingstock, hard to believe that was even possible.
I am so sick of people....the Mason's and Bentley BROUGHT THE KIDS INTO IT, not the reporter. The children profited from the affair as well. As a TAXPAYER, what YOU should be concerned about is why haven't the governor or the Masons been brought up on ethic charges and charges for defrauding the state. Why haven't the governor been brought up on charges for using his political position for personal gain...or do those charges only matter when a democrat is governor of Alabama. You're not concerned about those children, because if you were you'd blame their parents for putting them in this position...no, you just want to deflect from the real "illegal" issue here.
For those concerned about the photo, here is Rebekah Mason's description of herself from Twitter:
"Wife, Mom of 3. Fan of Football. Business Owner. Senior Advisor for a great Gov. Love Family, Jesus and Reece's (sic) Cups. Not necessarily in that order."
The picture goes to three of her self-identifying characteristics: Wife, mom of 3, love Family. And given that it was taken outside a church, you could add a fourth one--Love Jesus.
The picture goes to who she claims to be, so I think it's appropriate for the story.
Jon Mason is a decent guy. He and the kids are victims in this situation. Yes, he was appointed to a job in the administration a few years ago. I doubt he had any inkling that his wife was having an affair until it all busted open. Just like Mrs. Bentley, he's been screwed over. He's likely out of a job soon as well. I don't know anyone who knows Jon who thinks he somehow "deserves" any of this. And his kids especially don't. But we've come to expect this kind of sleaziness from this blog.
Memo to @9:25 -- That's not a "supposed photo" of Judge Bill Pryor, that is a photo of Judge Bill Pryor. I've met Mr. Pryor on probably a half dozen occasions, looked him in the eye from a few feet away, and that is him--no ifs, ands, or buts. If you think that's a "supposed photo" of Judge Bill Pryor, that tells me you've never met the man. I have, several times, and that is him.
Is there any sort of cousins connection between these folks and the bogus teapublican lawmakers Sindy Gamrat and Troy Courser in Michigan? Have they been inoculating anyone in Arkansas?
Was Chelsea Clinton's picture kept out of the press when her daddy stepped in Lewinsky do-do? No. Did Chelsea Clinton survive and grow up to be fine without anyone coddling her? Looks like she has.
Memo to @12:02- You have to feel for certain of the "supposed photo of the judge" kvetchers. The recent allegations concerning a certain governor made by a certain blog will soon be proven or disproven. If proven there will be a full on hot mess in Montgomery.
Additional clicks and scrutiny of a certain "supposed photo" and other allegedly connected events may well be the result.
You're comment is nonsense, @12:01. There is nothing in the post or the photo that says Jon Mason or the kids "deserve" this. It's a family photo, and Ms. Mason has made it quite clear publicly that she is wife to one and mother to three, and she loves Jesus. This pic outside a church, I assume it's their church, is right in line with what she has publicly stated.
I renew my demand to remove the Nick Saban picture. C'mon, we've got Wisconsin on Saturday, we've got to be prepared for them big, old corn-fed boys. If Nick is distracted, those slow Wisconsin boys might actually come within three touchdowns of us. Where is your humanity, man? For Bear's sake, take down the photo!
So a picture of a wife, husband, and three kids--outside a church--makes this a sleazy blog? Who knew?
Has everyone forgotten that mommy and daddy knocked down about a half mil in 14 months time, from their roles in Team Bentley. Isn't that an awful lot of dinero for what they were doing, in a state that now appears to be almost broke?
The kids are minors and an innocent party to all this alleged malfeasance. To think they are fair game is callous and ridiculous. Is basic human decency for young children that difficult for some of you to find? It's one thing for a parent to publish a picture of the family on Facebook. It's another for a blogger to put their picture on a story like this about their mother. If this story is true, they will lose a lot of their innocence, you don't need to help the process along. Blurring their faces would not detract from your story one bit.
This isn't about family values or government service. This is about cold, hard cash--oh, and sex; let's not forget about sex.
Moral of the story: Just because you have an M.D. after your name, it doesn't mean you are smart. Robert Bentley is living proof.
Here's the latest "reporting" from al.com. It suggests that Donald Watkins broke the story yesterday, and other blogs followed. Hell, these people are clueless. Legal Schnauzer broke the story, by a country mile. And to my knowledge, Watkins hasn't even named the woman yet or provided any information about all the money she and hubby have made:
@ 12:41
Here's the latest "reporting" from al.com. It suggests that Donald Watkins broke the story yesterday, and other blogs followed
Refresh my memory, what did al.com have to say about those gay porn dick pics?
I'm not @12:41, but I can address your question. The Bill Pryor story is about more than "gay porn dick pics," as you so eloquently put it. It's about a nominee for a federal judgeship, who was asked about anything in his background that would bring embarrassment to him or the president--and Pryor apparently responded there was nothing of that sort in his background. In other words, he lied to Congress, and that's a crime.
I don't remember what al.com reported on that story, but since it involved one of the right-wing favs, I'm guessing they didn't report a thing on it--just like they were going to report nothing on John Merrill, until the story broke at Legal Schnauzer. And they still are trying to avoid publishing the truth about Gov. Bentley.
Additional labels to use at the bottom of posts. Apply as needed: "zipper issue", "more zipper issues", "rumored zipper issues".
I am grateful if the report is accurate. Thanks for posting. But please remove the pictures. I love the story if factual and truthful. But again please remove the pictures.
Appreciate this info if true. Please remove the pictures though. Thanks
Fuck all the rest of these people. Leave up the photos. These people used their power in the wrong ways and now they pay! Now maybe we can get rid of him & Alabama can get some work done!
The post is based on figures from the Alabama Secretary of State's Office. So it is accurate and truthful, assuming the SOS office can keep accurate records.
He was..he is..not the top of the class..nor is her blissfulness
If the Tide loses to Wisconsin, I'm blaming you, Schnauzer. Can you live with that on your conscience?
The family pic of The Masons is a fraud. It is a perception of a family with good, for lack of a better word, Christian values. However, adultery is a sin. You reap what you sow! Please stop trying to kill the messenger.
This is why we should have voted for the other guy back in 2010. He was going to bring gambling here. But oh hell no, forget that. Because this clown was talking about faith and values and our man in the sky, J.C. So of course all the sheep just lapped that up. When are people going to realize politicians don't have souls? They're just using religion to get votes the same way a whore uses cleavage. Whatever, keep voting for values. It's working great!
On the subject of Bill Pryor, I'm from Mobile and knew him both in high school and during his undergraduate years. That photo is him, and there is no doubt about that, among those of us who have seen the real thing up close.
You just can't win, Mr. Schnauzer. You have one commenter complaining about your full-frontal pic of Bill Pryor, and you have another commenter who demands that you run photos of Gov. Bentley and Ms. Mason getting it on. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same commenter. Sheesh!
Hah! You make a great point, @4:15. That's why commenters are welcome to comment, but I run the blog.
September 1, 2015 @ 1:09 PM
Not to Congress did Pryor lie, but to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had given sworn oath to before testifying, after Sessions introductory of Pryor, himself too all knowing, both, if anyone else, anywhere else would have been held in contempt, brought up on perjury charges. Pryor's get out of town to better things was guaranteed by fact he refused to investigate criminal activities ongoing in Alabama while Attorney General, lewd photos in these events were of no value, if at all, icing on the cake; Alabama media couldn't run fast enough from story, all hail Rove, Canary, and Sessions. The truths are going to come out............
12:01 is right, the parents placed their children in the limelight. AND, if Jo Mason received his STATE job as a favor from Bentley to Jo's wife, it's all fruit from the tainted tree and fair game to be debated. There was less evidence on Don Siegelman and he is still in prison. There is more than enough evidence to prove he was framed and your Christian governor didn't see fit to pardon him...you guys are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites who could care less about what's morally and legally corrupt. You'll probably turn on Bentley's wife next for putting him in such a horrible position.
I have no problem with any of the posts or pics. If you keep your nose clean, you don't have to worry about what comes out. At least we can get real newsworthy items here and not the sugar coated, sparkly items TV news media preform.
September 1, 2015 @ 1:09 PM
Lied to Congress, no, lied under oath while giving testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee, YES, after Alabama's Senator Sessions had introduced Pryor, him too knowing all to well the malfeasances being committed. Sure his lewd photos were of a personal concern, but not by far as much serious criminally and politically the refusals to investigate ongoing criminal activities.
Vindicating Siegelman; all hail Sessions, Rove, and Canary..........
tell me why a parent can USE their kids on Facebook but a reporter can't repost it ?
I understand that it is your constitutional right to freedom of speech that allows you to write your blog. However, please do not include Becky's children in any posts or photographs. These children are suffering enough and deserve privacy. Please, I implore you, remove the photograph that includes the children, out of respect for their privacy and safety.
Crooks like this are the very thing that Bernie Sanders opposes... It's time to stop letting the government and the knuckleheads in office be in control of YOUR money and start letting THE PEOPLE have a say in what happens in our country. Wake up America!! FEEL THE BERN!!!!
I don't understand how her posting a picture of her kids on Facebook was for public gain. That makes no sense. Remove the picture of the children please. They are innocent in this and don't need their faces plastered across the Internet. It's obvious you don't have children. At least blur their faces.
In that photo of her with her family, she looks as ghoulish as Bentley. "Fetching", indeed. Only to another ghoul. Like Bentley.
This Caldwell Mason bunch purports to be marketing and design experts.
Amateurish and generic. Like they "create" from cheap templates.
400,000 for this?
My what fine marketing skills you have! Teehee
I hate that children are dragged into these matters. The simple fact is that they cannot avoid being brought into the limelight due to selfish acts of a parent. THIS HAPPENED TO MY CHILD. ROB RILEY WAS INVOLVED. I WILL BE GOING PUBLIC WITH THIS BEFORE YEAR'S END.
hipocrits...half the state elected officials are doing the same...
Bentley(bart simpson} must have an implant
bentley must have an implant... half the state officials do the same... know for a fact.... beware u ladies back home...
Are you saying, @7:55, that your child got dragged into a court case because of, or partly because of, Rob Riley? If so, must have been an interesting case.
I'm sorry you've been through this, @9:17. If you are in a position to share court docs or other relevant info, feel free to let me know. Might be an important story.
Judge Pryor is hung like an elf. One bad puppy he is. Alabama is a swamp.
You'll be the first to know. We share a common enemy.
I've heard he had an affair with Twinkle not Rebekah... Yes, THAT Twinkle.
I am so tired of hearing people talk about bringing the innocent children into this......wake the hell up. Rebekah Caldwell Mason brought her children into this when she made the choice to have an affair. You make bad choices and you suffer the consequences. Isn't that what we teach our children and what we all know to be true. Put the blame where the blame rests. Squarely on the shoulders of a Mother who wouldn't know what the truth were if it hit her in the face.
Oh shush about the kids. It's not like people wouldn't be googling and facebooking to find out every little thing about this woman and her family if he hadn't posted that picture. Kinda hypocritical.
The problem is Roger Shuler has a mental illness and he is now hurting other people with it. So with no proof, no tapes, no sworn testimony, nothing but rumors he has posted a political hit piece. I don't really care what the Governor did or didn't do. He IS a public figure and you can say what you want. But RCM is NOT and her husband definitely is NOT because they are not household names. Roger Shuler will get sued again and lose and he doesn't care because he has already had everything taken away from him...
But Roger your mainly just a disgusting human.... you could have written anything you wanted and accused people of whatever and NOT had to include pictures of people's children....what did that add to the story ???
Here is a little challenge for you, @12:29. You claim you are big on proof regarding Mr. Shuler's reporting. Well, what proof do you have that Mr. Shuler suffers from a mental illness? If you have no proof, and your statements are false, then you've defamed Mr. Shuler haven't you?
Sounds to me like you might be the person being sued next. I'm sure Mr. Shuler could find your identity via computer records and have a complaint filed against you in a matter of days. You see how these things work both ways? I'm guessing you are going to lose in court and have everything taken from you. Let us know how that feels when it happens.
Well ... in his latest trial he made a motion that he had a mental illness.... that might be what you call proof....
"Mr. Shuler and his wife experienced excessive psychological trauma, resulting in the defendant spending six (6) days in a psychiatric unit, in direct relation to these events, and was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
Not surprisingly, you seem to want to have it both ways, 1:15. In your comment, you claim that proof amounts to "tapes, sworn testimony, etc." But now you claim an unsworn statement from an attorney is "proof." Do you have any tapes, sworn testimony, or documents to prove Roger Shuler has a mental illness? After all, you are the one who is big on proof--and the kinds of proof required to satisfy you. What if Mr. Shuler has been successfully treated for any mental illness you claim he has? Do you have any proof about that, one way or another.
Speaking of defamation, you claim Mr. Shuler is "hurting other people" with his mental illness. What proof do you have of that? If you have no proof, and this statement is false, you have defamed Mr. Shuler, correct?
If I were you, I would be trying to figure out a way to make myself judgment proof. Because I think the lawsuit choo-choo train is heading down the tracks, right for your house.
Roger, you tell it like it is, the bitter truth, no holds barred. It ticks a lot of people off that you have no reservations or limitations about reporting on corruption, dishonesty, mis-conduct, fraud. Facts are facts. Spot on!
2010 news article : MONTGOMERY -- "Dr. Robert Bentley, a Republican candidate for governor, has officially changed his name to DR. Robert Bentley as a marketing tool for his candidacy"
Curious if this was Rebekah's idea.
For years she has left her children in Tuscaloosa to be raised by someone else while she lived in Montgomery Monday-Friday. I don't think she cares too much how her children feel.
While I agree a picture of just the two of them would have been better, the picture of the family does remind us that it's not just the husband that is impacted by this affair.
I love the short memory of people, the last democratic governor of this state ended up in jail for taking bribes from Scrushy. Can't wait to get back to those "good ole days!"
Hey Roger...
#1 why dont you stop responding anonymously to my post....I have the choice to be anonymous...you own this crappy website so at least take some pride in your responses
#2 it was YOUR lawyer who called you mentally ill .... since you hired him then you had control over what he said ..... did you or did you not go to a psych ward for 6 days as YOUR lawyer stated ? There is your PROOF
If I respond to a comment, my name and photo are on it, as it is here. As for your comment, there are almost 80 here and apparently you are anonymous, so I have no idea what you wrote.
When you quit your job, it affects your family, spouse, kids, etc. When you do something to lose your job, it affects your family... So when you sleep with your boss who is the highest politician in the state and you get caught, it's going to affect your family... your spouse, kids, etc. So when MOM made her choice to screw the governor, MOM brought her family into it... maybe if MOM had been thinking about her family instead of her personal pleasure MOM's kids wouldn't be in the spot light of state politics... So blame MOM not the media...
Not surprised by the revelation of all of Bentley's misdeeds, always thought he was a sketchy individual. The pic of the kids? Too bad, the parents should have made their private life private. When you work for a state, you are a civil employee and in the public eye and no longer a 'private' citizen, the taxpayers pay your salary and you are accountable to the citizens. I also want to hear more about The Riley reveal, bet that one will be juicy. Anyhoo, hope Bentley gets indicted for his misuse of state funds. I bet this is only the tip of the iceberg. A soda pop tax indeed! Just pay back the one million you already blew and that will be a good start. Diane, get everything you can from that ugly nerd!
Not that Im taking up for Mr. Badpuppy by any means, however, what makes you all think he lied before the senate judiciary committee? Wild Bill very well may be proud of his free hanging spirit! If this debacle ever gets brought to light and back in front of that committee, that very well could be a great defense! Its also a defense that could pose a threat to our national security. Seeing that those in power no longer seem concerned about the positive well being of that very important subject(NS), wouldn't surprise me if that's how the "balls" will roll. Then if he really got desperate, like the porn industry, he could argue 1st amendment or that he had posed nude for an art class. Just a little day dream to ponder. Hell, Pryor might be so proud as to have those photos hanging on the potty wall of his man cave or home office. Im a little uncomfortable saying these things about Mr. Badpuppy publicly out of concern that he may get some bright ideas.
As for Bentley, I was really hoping his mistress was a mister. Dern! {finger snap}
Maybe we should wait to see if Mr. Mason was aware of what was happening before he is called greedy and money hungry.
Much of the money received by an advertising agency simply filters through to television stations, direct-mail companies, etc.
Lots of innuendo and little facts. Also while the Bentley campaign paid $112,000 for advertising, you obviously do not know how advertising works. You pay a company like RCM for the advertising, they place the ads and pay the TV stations, newspapers etc for running the ads. They either get a percentage of the total ad buy or get paid a flat fee for placing the ads. The additional money that went to administrative could have been the fee for placing the ads. How about doing some leg work and finding out if Bentley had any ads in 2013 or would that be too much work. You have provided no proof that Bentley had an inappropriate relationship with his aide. Your article is like someone syaiong you had inappropriate relations with you schnauzer before it passed away.
Just blur the kids faces or crop the photo...that seems unnecessary.
September 2, 2015 @ 11:10 AM
Exercising one's rights is a defense for all, under normal circumstances goes without questioning; here, a federal judgeship, a lifetime appointment, anything in history probable cause to believe judgeship at anytime subject to criminal compromising is demandeded of under oath to have truthful response subject to perjury.
This clearly was not the hearing's day situation. These Senate Hearing members were made fools of, or if not were too complicit along with Sessions and Rove in what was not forthcoming before the Senate Judiciary Committee. This was Pryor's reward for persecuting Siegelman. Worst than him though, the fact that the citizens of Alabama as always have did nothing, if you have not read the official transcript, please do so, if not familiar with Pryor's Attorney General history, therein lies bedrock denying judgeship, Siegelman's get out of prison now card, and the explaining by Al.Com why when knowing have sat on stories, "the devil is in the details" as often heard.
Give'm hell, Schnauzer; just maybe others will find within themselves the courage to, when seeing wrongs, trying to make right as you. All these people made cognizant choices to engage in suspect and questionable political performances, a few exposed, how many not on the tax payer's dime paid for by worker's on this low work income state?
Wondering if all could respond here and answer my question: what is your favorite vegetable?
Sanders? Where do you think "free college" and "free healthcare" are going to come from? The government? The government gets its money from you and me, so I think you should probably consider that "ol Berney" is going to get deeper into your pockets than anyone ever has before.
For all of you too young to remember what investigative reporting looks like, this is it. Roger may be the only true investigative reporter in this state. your government in this state is corrupt and your judiciary is a joke.
His Poor Wife of 50 Years!!!
Did Rebekah and her current husband really work for the same radio station in Tuscaloosa? Were they married to others, had an affair, divorced and then married each other? If so, report this. If untrue, report it. Thanks. Just once, it would be loely to have a governor we can be proud of. Has not happened in the last 28 years. They have all been scum.
Maybe Bentley and his aide had an affair. Why aren't his grandchildren pictured? Both of them have published pictures of their children/grandchildren, so those pics can't be hard to come by. So why are only her children pictured? Looks like maybe a touch of misogyny at work here. At any rate, have some class and leave the kids out of it.
Actually it is Mrs. Mason who brought herself, her husband and her poor kids into this. I feel sorry for them. It's sickening that the parents would make public pictures of the entire family posed in front of a church so as to make people believe that the family is something that that perhaps are not. Those children can't be learning any good morals or ethics at home.
Alabama really does suck shit !
Bill and Monica lewinsky is what this is
Amen. Amen
Bill and Monica no different 👌.....👍
I wish you would post something about the monster Judge Lisenby. I have some stories
about him if you want them, he bullies women to their death.
Alabama is the most corrupt state and it keeps getting worse. Thank you for being brave enough to post. My daughter died trying to expose The University of Alabama.
Lisenby is in Tuscaloosa? Sounds like there is a lot of dirt in T-town these days.
In response to Anonymous, yes, Rebekah and Jon Mason worked at the same local news station in Tuscaloosa. I can tell you that for sure, as I was there at the time they were. It was first Newschannel 49 and then switched to WJRD 7, which later was bought by the University and became WVUA. The rumors were strong that they had an affair with each other first, before getting married.
Sorry to hear about the passing away of your daughter, what happenned? It seems like UA is becoming more corrupt than ever before. Due in large part, to its expansion mode, I think.
We don't have a daughter, but our female cat, Chloe, died recently--and I wrote about that here. Maybe that's what you are thinking of.
"FAMILY VALUES". -- Please can someone help me understand how these Republicans claim the family values mantle? As a non-practicing Irish Catholic, I was taught to "follow the golden rule". It's NOT OK to do wrong (with money, relationships, etc.), or to be mean spirited. And it IS OK to be a Buddhist, a Jew, a Protestant, a Hindu, a Catholic, or whatever, so long as you know and practice right from wrong. It's NOT OK TO knowingly do what's wrong and then just say "I'm sorry". Please help me understand.
It makes me laugh when I read comments like these. It just goes to show how stupid the people in this country have become. How long will all of you "family values" voters let youselfs be fooled, or more accurately, played for fools. The ONLY place for family values is in the home. If a politician places him/herself on a 1000 foot pious pedistal then they deserve the fall that almost always comes. How many televangelist have to fall for everyone to finally realize that we are all human and we all have the potential to fail in the "family values" area. The way I see it all you republican voters are being taught to hate. Not unlike the Palestinians teaching their children to hate Jews. Your told to hate gays, Moslems, Democrats, Afro-Americans, etc. etc. so forgive your governor for his human failings but prosecute him for any and all laws he broke. NO ONE is supposed to be above the law. And remember "judge not, lest ye be judge.
Charles Montgomery Burns ( Gov Bentley) should be a shame of himself. The state is struggling financially. But he finds money to cake a female with!
It is unfortunate the childrens picture was used but anyone who knows the parents knows the kids already. It is unlikely that having this photo out will in anyway affect those children.
The bigger question for the people of Alabama is how much longer will Alabamian's continue to support the level of long term ongoing corruption in state government? When will they actually start to think and realize that their crooked and immoral politicians have been hiding behind "family values" and christian values when they have niether. If the politico drags out Christianity and family values you need to run away like th wind!
Wow!!! these people can not be white Of course white people don't sleep around. If those were black kids in post nobody would care
To the Anonymous poster from April 10, 2016 at 8:19PM, WTF? No kid should be pasted all over the internet because of the sins of the parents, regardless of color, but a black racist can't see anything but color. If you really care about black kids, why not march and protest the shootings and death in Chicago? 78% of which are black and mostly youths. Someone is shot every 2.8 minutes and someone is murdered every 12 minutes. Almost all in small inner-city neighborhoods. The murder rate is up 88% this year, but hey I know you are busy, throwing race into areas where it isn't a factor, and turning a blind eye to where it really is. But hey, you go ahead and cast the Democrat vote. Chicago has been controlled by the democrats for 84 years, and they are doing great! Need that kind of leadership for the whole country. What's a few thousands of deaths, when you might can get free stuff, and stick it to the man?
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