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Harris and supporters: Eyeing a Recount (Politico) |
Several news outlets -- including Newsweek, The Economic Times, and the New York Post are reporting that the Kamala Harris campaign team is preparing a fund to pay for a hand recount in the 2024 presidential election. The news indicates Harris is ready to join an effort, led by U.S. election- and computer-security expert Stephen Spoonamore, which is attempting to determine if Harris actually won a contest that was awarded to Donald Trump, even though Spoonamore and his team say the election appears to have been maliciously hacked to benefit Trump. In short, the Spoonamore group is trying to determine who actually won the election and should be installed as America's next president, given signs the election was "willfully compromised."
What's the latest on the effort to get to the bottom of what happened in Election 2024, which produced all kinds of peculiar data. Spoonamore provides an update at his Substack page, "And When You are a Hammer," Under the headline "My old friends at ES&S rejoin the strange vote-total parade via TN (Tennessee). Still a hammer. Still more nails," he writes:
Stephen Spoonamore
Nov 27, 2024My dear old friends at ES&S.
For those who are new to the game of electronics counting your vote, ES&S is the largest vendor in the country. Based in Omaha. Secretive. PE and Family-fund backed. Totally unclear exactly who owns them or to whom company executives report.
Even those who don’t follow voting electronics will have heard the GOP’s constant and loud rage at Dominion Voting, and the constant demand they be given copies of their software.
But you will never hear a peep about ES&S. Because Republicans trust them completely? Or they already have all they need to get the results the GOP wants?
Spoonamore had an online visitor in recent days, and his insights were heartily welcomed:
A data analyst from TN reached out to me personally. He is also up on socials and is running analysis of AZ and other places. He sent a precinct graph of TN that is going to induce PTSD in me. His TikToks are interesting as well. I will try to look at his AZ data he sent later today.
David’s TikToks:
@david.manasco. He writes:
Frankly I am hoping there is a more reasonable explanation for this than where my mind is going.
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Two other tips point to the same pattern:
Could ES&S voting systems be suppressing the vote of those in Democratic-leaning precincts? We use ES&S in Shelby County, TN, and our voter turnout was at 55%, which is historically low.
Examine turnout by who won the precinct, Democrat (Harris) won precincts that had a turnout of only 49%. But Republican (Trump) precincts had a turnout of 69%. The turnout by precinct-leaning for 2024 is the opposite of what was seen in lines and engagements. It makes no sense.
Spoonamore writes:
Manasco sent a graph of the precincts in Shelby, TN. I spot checked them. Solid. David seems particularly surprised at the lower end of turnout all being in Harris-supporting precincts. I note something else:
Check the very odd step change at the line between Trump Won and Harris Won precincts. That funny step hump leaps from 61% to nearly 70%, and that violates the way human actions appear on graphs. It again shows an output more machine oriented. This also is the pattern, of stacking extra GOP votes into precincts they already would win -- and I have seen this before. This is what the county returns in southern Ohio in the 2004 MIM attack looked like. Extra votes for Bush were stacked on his already winning areas to keep up with Kerry’s late surge in Cleveland and Columbus.
If you click on the Reddit link above, it will take you to a most insightful comment I wanted to share with our Legal Schnauzer readers. It comes from a commenter with a moniker ("motharfucker") that some might find offensive, but his words are well worth considering. In fact, I think they form the best summary I've seen of where we, as a nation, are at with this election. Here is the comment in its entirety:
Headline -- Everyone saying "Kamala Harris ran a disastrous campaign, Trump did not" are gaslighting you.
I've followed the election very closely the past six months. And when it comes to things like this, I always like being informed on both sides. Yes, I read on sub-Reddits like this which people call leftist echo-chambers, but I also read on right-wing echo-chambers like Twitter in order to gain a better and more informed opinion on both sides.
Other than "echo-chambers" like Reddit and Twitter, I also read news from the left, center, and the right in order to gain a better perspective of everything in this age of massive disinformation.
And let me tell you, Kamala Harris did NOT run a "disastrous campaign." Although, the Democrats did screw up by putting her on the ticket as late as they did, but she did literally everything she could with the limited time she had.
Her campaign inspired a message of hope for all Americans and the world. She beat Trump's ass in the debate. They literally had to criticize her laugh because they didn't have anything on her. The fact that she "put blacks in jail for marijuana" was among the worst "controversies" they pushed, but she was just following the law, what else was she supposed to do? She literally wants to legalize weed, not punish people for it.
So MAGA had to make up shit that was "worse", which was pure lies that were easily debunked, as always.
Here is an excellent response that comes from the same thread. The commenter goes by the name "Xyciasav":
I followed both sides as well and I've felt like I've taken crazy pills. The whole, "She forgot the middle class" argument had me fuming.
Her proposals: Literally 25k for a down payment for first-time buyers, 6k credit for new babies, pushing for caps on all meds, like, what are these people saying?
I totally understand though. Most people get their "news" from Instagram and TikTok. Influenced by misinformation and other garbage. I wish people would actually watch the full speeches, the full rallies, C-SPAN, all of it. Stop letting the media tell YOU how you should think.
I wish we could go back and implement the rule where public broadcasting had to be factual or you could complain to the FCC. Media is not news, it's big corporations looking for any way possible to make money. It's sad. (I think she is referring to "The Fairness Doctrine," which required "holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints." Ronald Reagan led the effort to destroy "The Fairness Doctrine," leaving us with a vast wasteland of right-wing bilge on the airwaves, once led by a pill-popping blowhard Missourian, Rush Limbaugh, who brought insult "thinking" to talk radio -- and Donald Trump must have learned from Rush and all the Rush Jrs. who tried to imitate "The Great Tub of Lard." Reagan gave us the virtual right-wing monopoly that we "enjoy" today in broadcasting -- From Fox News to loudmouths like Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Oliver North, Michael Savage . . . and the list goes on.
"Xyciasav" concludes:
I'm in my 30's. and I've been on Facebook when it started, MySpace, Instagram, all of it. I disconnected from those years ago because I saw where this was going.
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