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Rob Campbell |
That surely would be news to his wife, lawyer and Republican Party operative Minda Riley Campbell, who happens to be the daughter of former Alabama governor Bob Riley (GOP, 2003-11).
Records show that Campbell, a partner at the Bradley Arant Boult Cummings (BABC) law firm, joined Ashley Madison at 10:16 a.m. on Sept. 1, 2014. He used a computer with an outbound IP address of, which was located on or near the 700/800 block of Zelda Place in Homewood, Alabama. The Campbells' home address is 700 Zelda Place, Birmingham, Alabama, 35209.
Campbell has made at least three Ashley Madison purchases this year, each for an amount of $19.99. His billing address is 1819 Fifth Ave. N, Birmingham, AL 35203. That's the address for Bradley Arant.
An overview of Campbell's Ashley Madison profile can be viewed at the end of this post. His user name is "Anything Goes," and he describes himself as a "45-year-old professional looking for new friends and adventures."
What turns Campbell on? His profile says it's "casual jeans/T-shirt type, girl next door, sense of humor, creative and adventurous, relax and easy going, confidence, not possessive."
Are we to assume that Campbell finds some of those attributes missing in his wife? Hmmm.
What is Campbell open to? It's "conventional sex, light kinky fun, erotic tickling, open to experimentation, good with your hands, likes to give oral sex, extended foreplay/teasing, sex talk, bubble baths for two."
There you have it, ladies. The name is Rob Campbell, and you can find him (for now) at 700 Zelda Place, the Bradley Arant law firm, or Ashley Madison. On the Web, just ask for "Anything Goes."
So Rob Campbell describes himself as "single" for Ashley Madison users? Is that supposed to be a surprise? As a lawyer, he's duty bound NOT to tell the truth, right?
One of the craziest headlines ever, LS. I just spewed cereal across the kitchen.
Maybe good old Rob just wishes Minda Riley Campbell didn't exist.
Rob wants someone to talk dirty to him. Maybe he should have married Rob Riley and not Minda Riley.
What if they recently got divorced or separated and Rob Campbell really is single?
I suppose that's possible, @8:00, in terms of divorce--if they were separated, he still would be legally married, at least as I understand the law.
Rob joined AM on 9/1/14, so his single status would have had to take place before that date. I think it's unlikely that they got divorced prior to that date, or at all. I think that sort of political story would have gotten out. But I will try to check to see what court records show.
Rob likes "tickling" and "teasing." Is this guy 5 or 45?
According to her Facebook page, Minda Riley Campbell is on vacation in London, apparently without Rob. Must be prime trolling time for our guy Rob.
Rob Campbell might not be a Riley by blood, but he seems to have adopted the family's No. 1 past time--lying and cheating.
If I recall correctly, Bradley Arant received $10 million in public funds to fight illegal gambling in the last two year's of Bob Riley's term. Is it safe to assume that quite a bit of that money funneled into the household of Rob and Minda Riley Campbell? Is it further safe to assume, that Rob was using taxpayer dollars to troll for illicit sex on Ashley Madison?
That seems like a safe assumption to me, @2:38. Your tax dollars at work under the Bob Riley administration!
Hank Williams' music somehow seems to becoming more and more realistic for these occasions.
Ah one, ah two, ah one two three, let'r rip boys
from the late Ms. Tammy Wynett
If I'm a client of Rob Campbell, I am searching for new counsel real fast. Who knows how much embarrassing information is going to come out on the guy?
Rob and Minda have two beautiful young children--a boy and a girl. Do you care at all about the impact this will have on them?
Here's how I look at it, @4:45. Rob Campbell apparently didn't care about the possible impact on his children when he signed up to cheat on their mother--or at least try to cheat--via Ashley Madison. If he didn't care, why is it my responsibility, as a journalist, to care. It's my responsibility to help report the news, especially as it pertains to legal and political corruption in Alabama, the primary focus of this blog. That's what I'm doing, and Rob and Minda Campbell should be adult enough to deal with their children in an appropriate way.
Rob Campbell wants a woman who is "good with your hands." I wonder why. Is it so she can effectively bake cookies for him. Maybe that was Minda's shortcoming.
Maybe Minda's shortcoming is that she is a bee-atch. Her husband is a dumb arse, but she's a bee-atch--and anyone who has been around her for the slightest period of time knows that. She and Rob deserve each other. I pray to God that no one was stupid enough to respond to his pathetic ad.
You are on the cutting edge, LS. I don't think another journalist in the country has reported the kind of Ashley Madison details that you've reported on Rob Campbell. From what I've read, there must be photos and chat sessions, etc. involving Mr. Campbell. Is that your understanding?
I don't know for sure, Steve, because those sorts of details are in the third data dump, which is massive--way bigger than the first two dumps, which were huge by normal standards. A number of people deserve credit for this reporting--it's not been a one-man job, by any means. I've had a lot of help, and I think many more details on Rob Campbell (and a whole bunch of other Alabamians) are forthcoming.
Minda's trip to London probably was paid for with taxpayer money, funneled through Bradley Arant. Her husband is a stupid s--t, but she's a pig who loves feeding at the public trough, so that she doesn't really have to work for a living. Also, she should be donning prison orange in the Mike Hubbard case, but she probably will dodge prosecution on that. Don't cry for Minda, Argentina. She's getting what she deserves. Karma is a bee-atch, just like her.
You mentioned a big shot from Liberty National is on the list. Can't wait to find out who that was.
You will find out soon, along with a big shot from HealthSouth, a big shot with ties to the Shelby County court system, and many more. This is going to unmask a whole bunch of elites, and not just in Alabama. My sources are working on data from a number of states, especially in the South and Midwest.
@ 4:45 PM August 27, 2015
To respond as follows will be read as disrespect to you, but that's not the intent.
But, when involving a two tour Vietnam veteran helicopter pilot's effort to close on his family's new home, him and his wife with severely mentally challenged daughter with extreme associated medical problems, after both him and his wife having worked two jobs, valued their good name and credit after having taken out a construction loan, making all payments on or ahead of agreement until near completion when went into bank to convert from construction loan to 20/30 year mortgage the bank called their note due on demand.
Their new home, so unique, had got the attention of prominent people with could care less about them, especially their daughter. Long story short, they paid off on time all remaining sub-leters, the bank's attorneys hell bent and determined to get their home refused allow compromising forcing them into bankruptcy.
But, that wasn't good enough, the lawyers sent out night crawlers to pick and choose over their personal properties, to make things worst their own attorneys fearful of the high and mighty firm turned their back on their own clients, jumping in bed with the high profile attorneys.
Where does it specifically elaborate on within the U.S. Bankruptcy Codes that anyone caused to go into bankruptcy can have their personal properties taken at random by picking over and choosing and has yet to be ever given a record of receipt for their values sold, suppose to be ? public auction, especially when involving multi-thousands dollars. Obviously there is more to this family's legal nightmare brought upon them by no fault of their own; now back to your comment, paraphrasing, the impact on their daughter, the strain was surely direct result her father dropping dead of untimely heart attack trying to work and keep these wolves away from their home's front door; this family was judicially raped by attorneys having given oaths before the Alabama Bar in the upholding of "ethics", in conclusion this family could not find any one attorney, law office to handle their case to go up against in defense what had happened to them. Even the Bankruptcy Court in Montgomery sat like the three monkees as if nothing out of norm was happening while happening.
I appreciate other commenters time for the lengthy response, but this family's story has never been allowed to be made public, and now his widow is afraid to herself. Shame on State of Alabama.
This is some interesting stuff. The profile shows that the person who posted it may not understand what a woman really needs. She needs a cervical orgasm and the prerequisite for the cervical orgasm is to stimulate both the clitoris & the g-spot. After 25 years on the singles scene, I know what a woman needs & it's not long walks on the beach & cuddling. Lol
Maybe we need to start a regular Robby Scott Hill "Sexy Talk" feature. Maybe we could call it "Rappin' With RobLove." Heck, my traffic probably would go through the roof. We'd have to fight off advertisers. And I could see a podcast in our future, maybe a TV show. What do you think?
Let's hire an agent to get that shit on iTunes before someone else does.
who the H has a big enough tub for a bubble bath!
This Ashley Madison & Adult Friend Finder leak is already impacting other dating sites. Women on other sites have laundry lists of reasons to not contact them, including, but not limited to: must be taller than me, must be taller than 6 feet, must not use ketchup on your eggs, no baby momma drama, must not be a redneck, etc. Now your name can't be on the A.M. leak list which is what you'd figure they'd be looking for because those dudes are gonna be divorced & available pretty soon, but many will be broke from the alimony & child support. LOL
Who the hell has time for a bubble bath or a tub anymore? I can see someone calling me "You want to get a bubble bath?" I bet his wife will bust his bubbles with alimony.
I like Robby's comment. Let's get him on his own Dr. Robby Ruth talk show.
I don't understand why you'd write this story.
Laura, what's wrong with it, in your view?
I agree legal
Please be careful who you "out" in your further work on Ashley Madison. I guess I can understand you wanting to get back at those who harmed you, but many of those you may identify could be single or have now repaired marriages and have done nothing to harm you. While they may have made the choices to sign up, we have all made choices we regret and work everyday to correct. So, be careful to not be judge, jury and executioner. It sounds like that happened to you and I'm sorry it did...but, in my opinion, that does not now make it right for you to do it. Thanks for listening.
The only reporting I have seen from the AM dump has been about religious leaders and known religious bloggers trying to get rich and famous.
Mainstream media is not reporting anything from the AM dump. Interesting.....because politicians own the media. There are few honest, true journalists left in this country. After the Watergate scandal it seems politicians got serious about owning the media.
Thank goodness for sites like this. My heck, I never thought I would live to see this country fall. I am scared for my children as there is no future or promise for their generation. Unless they turn ccorrupt.
Josh Duggar used a fake name......so the cheaters who were caught will start using fake names once they start up again.
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I found your blog this morning while searching for details on the criminal investigation into the AM hack. I quickly started scanning the blog and smiled when I got the sense of an intrepid duo of liberal dogooders (I confess I play that role myself from time to time) speaking truth to power in the seemingly unreconstructed south. But then there was an occasional hint that you have been harmed by the powers you have taken on, and have allowed the resultant resentments to cloud your judgement about what constitutes legitimate inquiry. And then I came to this posting and realized that though my initial hunches about who you are may well have been correct, even if they are, you have clearly lost your way, sir. The type of reporting showcased in this piece, ever defended with hackneyed references to a public's right to know, is grounded in the same kind of self-righteous moralizing you accuse Christiian right wingers of. You domn't appear here to be a responsible, much less intrepid, reporter, but sadly, one of the slathering denizens of a New Salem, demanding your vision of justice grounded in your particular moral cosmology. We seem to have here merely another eager member of the witch burning mob to which the Internet so frequently descends. Shame!
I disagree, @8:38. A prominent attorney like Rob Campbell -- any attorney for that matter -- takes an oath to uphold the law, and he must follow a code of ethics that requires him to engage truthfully with the court and opposing parties. Also, Mr. Campbell makes ample use of courts that are funded by taxpayers. To find that he is seeking to cheat on his spouse raises questions about his ethics -- and his suitability for practicing law. This is very much a relevant topic. It has nothing to do with moralizing; it has everything to do with his name and personal information appearing on Ashley Madison.
One, you have discussed on this blog many other AM clients who are not officers of the court. Two, you explicitly posit that the nature of one's personal, romantic/sexual relationships has a direct bearing on an attorney's ability and/or willingness to uphold the law. That is a highly questionable proposition, one thoroughly debunked by research into various fields such as cognitive dissonance. The assumption you make is also clearly grounded in a particular religious/ideological tradition that demonizes sexuality in any form other than that prescribed by that tradition. Three, you assume you know the critical details of the personal lives of AM clients that led them to join AM. In my case, I love my wife. I cherish our little family. But for reasons I don't fully understand, my wife began pulling away from me and eventually ended our sexual relationship. It was my choice to stay in the marriage -- I love, respect and admire my wife for her many excellent qualities - her commitment to social justice, her marvelous parenting skills, her love of music, our shared political values, etc. But after five years of trying to get us to work on what was wrong between us -- suggesting marriage retreats like retrouvaille, the love lab in Seatle, etc. - it became clear we would never recover our once healthy sexual relationship. But I still valued the little trio that was our family. I learned about AM from a friend in whom I had confided about our marriage. I signed up, made a few contacts but didn't ultimately connect with any of them. I was, however, a recipient of several extortion letters demanding from $1000-10,000. I ignored them and my wife received an email outing me as an AM customer. My life came crashing down. She left me, we are soon to be divorced, my 8 year old daughter has seen her idyllic home ripped asunder, my professional reputation has been harmed. My choices were my own. I own them. In fact, the end of my marriage may be best for all concerned. But to stay in or end my marriage should have been my choice,, not some extortionist nor some sensationalist/populist would be journalist who reserves to him the right to pass judgement - and in doing so inflict possibly massive personal and professional damage -- on those about whose personal lives he knows nothing. In the end, you presume, under the banner of some putative, but deeply contested, notion of journalistic responsibility (that interestingly does not include any of the impacts of your "reporting" on real people's lives) judgement about a mass of people - all of whom have their own individual complex stories you know nothing about -- simply because, as you say, their names and personal information appear on Ashley Madison. That, sir, is the definition of moralizing. And it puts you in the company of those who should make you, as a self professed supporter of social justice, profoundly uncomfortable.
Where have I ever "explicitly posit(ed) that the nature of one's personal, romantic/sexual relationships has a direct bearing on an attorney's ability and/or willingness to uphold the law"?
Where have I ever presumed to make judgment about a mass of people. I have reported, accurately, that the names of certain individuals are on Ashley Madison -- nothing more, nothing less. You are reading a lot into my coverage that isn't there.
I make every effort to give each customer a chance to comment or explain his side of the story. Not sure how the process can be any more fair than that.
You ask, Where have I ever "explicitly posit(ed) that the nature of one's personal, romantic/sexual relationships has a direct bearing on an attorney's ability and/or willingness to uphold the law"? Do you not read your own posts? My post was in response to this comment from you:
"A prominent attorney like Rob Campbell -- any attorney for that matter -- takes an oath to uphold the law, and he must follow a code of ethics that requires him to engage truthfully with the court and opposing parties. ...To find that he is seeking to cheat on his spouse raises questions about his ethics -- and his suitability for practicing law."
You ask: "Where have I ever presumed to make judgment about a mass of people. I have reported, accurately, that the names of certain individuals are on Ashley Madison -- nothing more, nothing less. You are reading a lot into my coverage that isn't there." Well that's just the epitome of a disengenous response. You have said on many occassions that the people you out are unethical, immoral, and unworthy of the various positions they hold. That's not judgment? And the mass of people I am referring to is the list of people who signed up for AM accounts. You may out only select individuals from that mass, but the basis for your identifying those individuals is still merely membership in that mass of people. And, by the way, operating on the assumption, as you do, that the individuals you select from that mass possess the characteristics you impute to the larger group is to fall prey to the ecological fallacy.
You say: "I make every effort to give each customer a chance to comment or explain his side of the story." You mean you offer the people you out an opportunity to join with you in the business of dragging out the most intimate details of their private lives in a public forum like this? My, how gracious of you.
Sir, it is a travesty that you have been treated so badly by the many powerful people you have sought to hold accountable. But I assert again that in this moralizing crusade so clearly grounded in theological principles that are subject to critical debate, and that have underwritten all manner of atrocity, you have lost your way, and a good deal of the moral high ground you have had a solid basis to claim.
You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension. Nowhere did I say that someone's personal/romantic/sexual relationships has an impact on his ability to uphold the law. I did say that when someone seeks to cheat on his spouse, it raises questions about his ethics. And I stand by that. You seem to be supporting people who attempt to cheat on their spouses. A pretty amazing stand on your part.
Then you add this: "You have said on many occassions that the people you out are unethical, immoral, and unworthy of the various positions they hold." You apparently can't cite a single example of me saying that.
I guess you have little or no respect for marriage? Well, I do, and if that bothers you, feel free to read another blog.
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