Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Truth About Ted Rollins: He Isn't Fit To Be CEO Of Campus Crest Communities

Certain CEOs have come under white-hot scrutiny in recent weeks. We know of at least one other corporate titan who deserves similar scrutiny.

Some experts have said that Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, should be fired in the wake of a $2-billion gamble gone awry.

A parliamentary committee in the U.K. found that Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp, was not fit to run a major international company, following the review of a phone-hacking scandal.

Closer to home, we have examined the actions of Ted Rollins, CEO of Charlotte-based Campus Crest Communities. We have shown in a series of posts that Rollins has a habit of abusing court processes, starting with a dubious divorce case that left his ex wife and two daughters on food stamps in Alabama.

More alarming, however, is Rollins' physical abuse of a human being, a child under his care. Investors helped Campus Crest Communities complete a $380-million Wall Street IPO in late 2010, which indicates they have confidence in Ted Rollins' ability to lead a major company.

But what kind of due diligence, if any, did investors conduct before the deal was completed? Our research indicates investors, and the public, should be asking: "Is Ted Rollins fit to be CEO of Campus Crest Communities, or any company?"

We address that question in the following video:


  1. Wow you finally got him. You might wanna water board him. Lol

  2. Legal Schnauzers, the teachers at the top do not have their little acorn clones far from them:

    Obama, Clinton Selling Out U.S. Sovereignty in Secret
    May 21, 2012, • Obama, Clinton work in secret to surrender U.S. sovereignty, By Victor Thorn

    Is the Obama administration secretly negotiating treaties with globalist bodies, in violation of the Constitution? That’s the question on the minds of a number of political watchdogs, who argue that the White House is doing an end run around Congress and the American people in order to lock the country into agreements on the environment, fishing rights and even gun ownership with the United Nations (UN).


    On Feb. 7, former Bill Clinton campaign manager Dick Morris dissected a host of international “sneaky treaties” that, he says, “Once signed and ratified, have the same status as constitutional law and cannot be altered or eclipsed by Congress or state legislatures. And their provisions must be enforced by U.S. courts.”

    . . .

    Another treaty, one advocating children’s rights, would­ at least superficially­ protect youths from kidnapping, prostitution and human trafficking. However, if a 14-member panel determines that certain countries like the U.S. aren’t providing enough funding for food, education or clothing to underdeveloped nations, the UN could levy a tax on American citizens and then redistribute this money to Third World countries.

    Not surprisingly, a leading proponent for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is Hillary Clinton. In her book It Takes a Village, she wrote: “The village must act in the place of parents. It accepts these responsibilities in all our names through the authority we vest in the government.”

    . . .

    On December 21, 2000, as President, Bill Clinton signed a bill known as the Commodities Futures Modernization Act. This law ensured that derivatives could not be regulated, setting the stage for the financial crisis. Just two months later, on February 5, 2001, Clinton received $125,000 from Morgan Stanley, in the form of a payment for a speech Clinton gave for the company in New York City. A few weeks later, Credit Suisse also hired Clinton for a speech, at a $125,000 speaking fee, also in New York. It turns out, Bill Clinton could make a lot of money, for not very much work.



  3. Did the law firm of Poyner Spruill ever get back in touch with you on how public documents get altered in North Carolina.

    What I would like to know- is it standard procedure in the state of North Carolina (for the right amount of money) for criminals to have documents altered?

    Perhaps I'll tweet the running dog- Chad Essick this question.

  4. Jeffrey:

    I have not heard back from the Poyner Spruill folks about the issue of public documents being altered in North Carolina. You really should tweet Chad Essick and ask him about that. You might also ask why the assault/beating in question was not treated as a case of child abuse and domestic violence--it was both under North Carolina law.
