Sunday, July 5, 2009

Alabama "Tea Party" Attracts 3,000

A July 4 "tea party" at the Verizon Wireless Music Center in Pelham, Alabama, drew a crowd of about 3,000, according to a police estimate.

We had wondered in a recent post if the tea-party phenomenon was a sign of a growing mental-health problem. After all, the events seem designed to blame one president and his party (Barack Obama, Democrat) for problems that largely arose, or worsened, under another president and his party (George W. Bush, Republican).

Could this be a sign of dissociative disorder?

Did a crowd of 3,000 mean the "tea party" was a success? Well, that's hard to say. The Verizon Wireless Music Center, formerly the Oak Mountain Amphitheatre, has a listed capacity of 13,000. That means the facility was less than one-fourth full.

Without the free fireworks, how many folks would have attended? 1,000? 250? 83? 17? It's hard to know how many people were there for political reasons.

Evidently it was not a terribly generous crowd, based on this from The Birmingham News:

Organizers hoped donations would help cover the $15,000 cost. Toward the end of the evening, one speaker said organizers would start "passing the hat" to get more donations.

If organizers took a financial bath, maybe we won't have to worry about more tea parties at the Oak Mountain Amphitheatre.

If you hold an event for people who claim to be financially burdened by taxes, should you expect them to make hefty donations? Probably not.

1 comment:

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