Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Presidential Politics and Jack Booted Thugs

Thoughts on a Republican fear campaign in Alabama . . .
What has certain GOPers in Alabama so revved up that they are threatening to unlawfully seize and auction off my house in a thinly disguised attempt to shut down this blog?

If there is one thing I've learned through my legal ordeal, it is this: It's hard to think along with corrupt people. I suspect that's because a pretty high percentage of corrupt folks are sociopaths. (Regular readers know that I enjoy an occasional stab at dimestore psychology, so here we go again.)

While I certainly count myself among the "great unwashed," the flawed and sinful, I'm not sure I've figured out how to think like a sociopath. (And I would just as soon keep it that way.) But let's take a shot at trying to figure out why Alabama GOPers are suddenly so interested in shutting down our humble blog.

Presidential Politics and the Legal Schnauzer
We're running the risk of getting way too big for our britches by insinuating that our humble blog has anything to do with the 2008 presidential election. But we're trying to think like corrupt people. So follow me for a moment.

I noted in a previous post that the attempt to seize my house seems tied to certain topics I was writing about. Is it also tied to national political events?

Let's consider that for a moment. I think corrupt Alabama Republicans have been pretty secure in their belief that, somehow, the GOP would maintain its grip on the White House in 2008, allowing them to remain free from scrutiny by the U.S. Justice Department. My guess is they were convinced that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee, and she would bring baggage to the table that they could use to their electoral advantage. And I would guess they figured that the GOP would come up with a nominee who could get the Religious Right and ultra-conservatives excited.

But what has happened? Barack Obama has taken the lead over Clinton in the Democratic race, and it appears that he won't be such an inviting target to attack. And the GOP nominee is John McCain, who raises little enthusiasm among religious conservatives and even less from right-wing mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

Has it occurred to corrupt Alabama GOPers that John McCain, 71 years old and without great support inside his own party, might be toast against a youthful, charismatic opponent such as Barack Obama? Has that influenced their thinking on my case--and perhaps numerous other cases in Alabama that could draw the attention of a Democratic U.S. attorney?

Is that why they are trying to threaten me into submission?

Again, let's consider our timeline:

February 5, 2008--John McCain wins big on Super Tuesday and becomes the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

February 8, 2008--My wife and I receive a notice of levy from Shelby County Sheriff Chris Curry, stating that our house will be sold at auction to satisfy an alleged "judgment" in the amount of $1,525.

March 4, 2008--McCain wins Ohio, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Texas to clinch the GOP nomination.

March 18, 2008--A legal notice appears in the Shelby County Reporter, stating that our house will be exposed for sale at auction. Such notice is required by Alabama law--so these folks are serious.

I see an interesting pattern here. The better John McCain's presidential chances become, the more serious Alabama GOPers become about seizing and selling my house.

But that's not the only pattern I see. Let's consider one more.

60 Minutes and Legal Schnauzer

It has been widely reported that Alabama and national Republicans made quite an effort to silence the 60 Minutes report on the prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. The Bush White House and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) reportedly applied serious pressure to CBS.

My guess is that corrupt Alabama Republicans were convinced this pressure campaign would work.

Keep this in mind about many GOPers, particularly the white, male, Southern variety: They are an arrogant bunch. Their party has been ascendant in the South since 1964 and been dominant since 1980. That kind of electoral success will make you complacent and comfy. I suspect Alabama Republicans were convinced the Siegelman story would never see the light of day. They were wrong about that.

Did that affect their thinking on the corrupt activities that run rampant in Alabama state courts? Again, let's consider the timeline, at least in my case:

February 24, 2008--60 Minutes airs its story on Don Siegelman prosecution.

February 29, 2008--My wife and I receive notice of a Sheriff's Sale, telling us our house will be auctioned off at noon, April 7, on the Shelby County Courthouse steps.

Is this a coincidence? Maybe.

But I'm wondering if corrupt Alabama Republicans are considering the possibility that the U.S. might have a real attorney general in charge of the Justice Department, come early 2009. What if someone took a close look at the federal crimes that have been committed in Alabama state courts during George W. Bush's reign of error?

I smile when I think these thoughts. But I temper them with several doses of reality:

* Never underestimate the ability of Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The Dems have plenty of chances to screw this up.

* Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to steal elections.

* Never underestimate the ability of white, middle-class Americans to allow their race-based fears to overcome their economic interests and their better judgment, resulting in votes for the GOP.

* Even if Obama or Clinton claims the White House, never assume that a Democratic attorney general would have the guts or the support needed to go after the criminals who have turned our justice system into a sewer.

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