Monday, December 24, 2007

Spreading the Word

The Legal Schnauzer has had the good fortune to draw the attention of several prominent bloggers in recent days. We appreciate the links, and we hope our readers will check out these blogs on a regular basis. All have interesting takes on issues connected to justice.

We live in a time where people actually are being held political prisoners in the United States. At least two Democrats, former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and Mississippi attorney Paul Minor, have been political prisoners for several months now. Two more, former Mississippi judges Wes Teel and John Whitfield, become political prisoners on Thursday (Dec. 27).

If the United States is to return to a system of honorable justice, it will take a team effort. I vote for Scott Horton of Harper's as team captain. But I'm always delighted to discover other key members of the team:

* Larisa Alexandrovna of at-Largely, who has become a major voice on the Don Siegelman case and other justice-related stories, notes the Schnauzer and a number of other sites about citizen journalism.

* The blogger "D Cupples" (now how's that for a descriptive nickname?) at Buck Naked Politics mentions the Schnauzer in a roundup of thoughts from the blogosphere. Buck Naked Politics has been on a our blogroll for a while, and I hope Schnauzer readers will make regular stops there.

* And then there is a fascinating post from a site that is new to me. It's called The Disbrimstone Daily Pitchfork. The site bills itself as "Hell's Leading Daily Newspaper." (I like a dark sense of humor.) The post is titled "The Fourteen Points of Fascism: A Political Prisoner in Alabama is No Mere Commoner." The post, by Sarah Bloch, makes numerous intriguing points and is very well written. The site itself might be a bit racy for some folks' tastes. And I get the feeling the administrators aren't terribly fond of organized religion, which might offend others. But the site is funky, quirky, provocative, and justice-oriented. That's all right in my book, and I plan to make frequent visits in the future. We need some edgy folks on the justice team.

By the way, Bloch's post makes an excellent companion piece to a recent Naomi Wolf essay, which has drawn widespread attention in both the mainstream and alternative press.

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