Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Siegelman Accuser Released from Prison

Lanny Young, a key witness against former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, was released from federal prison yesterday.

Young, a lobbyist and landfill developer, had his two-year sentence reduced by U.S. District Judge Mark Fuller and was released on December 11.

Siegelman attorney Vince Kilborn was outraged by the decision, noting that Fuller has refused to release Siegelman and former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy pending their appeals.Kilborn also noted that Young had pled guilty to several felonies but still received a sharply reduced sentence.

Kilborn called Siegelman's continued imprisonment a "great American tragedy." The Siegelman case is at the heart of a Congressional investigation into selective prosecution by the Bush Justice Department.



    The three largest newspapers plus the Internet site al.com in Alabama are owned by Advance Publications Inc. Newhouse Newspapers is the newspaper publishing division. Advance Publications is owned by billionaires Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. and his brother Donald Newhouse.

    These three newspapers instruct their writers to start every article that they write about Siegelman with this statement, "Our newspapers endorsed Riley and we believe Siegelman to be a crook." Then instead of being impartial they twist every sentence to sound negative.

    It has taken a few months, but most Alabamians now know that these newspapers were a major part of the conspiracy to remove a popular Democrat in Alabama by distorting the truth about ex governor Don Siegelman, by not accurately reporting how his elections were taken from him, by not reporting how millions of dollars of Choctaw Indian Casino money flowed into Alabama to get Riley Elected and to kill Siegelman's education Lottery.

  2. Precisely zero articles from The Huntsville Times, Birmingham News and Mobile Press-Register begin with the disclaimer Hoff suggests. In fact, several stories have broached Siegelman's mistreatment, and editorials have questioned the political genesis of the conviction. The papers may respond more conservatively than the NE or West Coast dailies, but to suggest that any journalist would abide by such ridiculous mandate is ludicrous. Beside, corporate influence on each newspaper's content is undetectable.
