Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Beacon for Justice in Alabama?

Could there be a beacon for justice in Alabama--for Don Siegelman and others who have suffered under corrupt state and federal officials? Could that beacon come in the person of Ellen Brooks, district attorney for Montgomery County, Alabama?

Blogger Robby Scott Hill raises this intriguing question in a post today at Novationeering.

Hill's voice is one deserving of attention on legal issues. While yours truly is a pseudo lawyer at best--"Unfrozen Cave Man Lawyer" my wife likes to call me--Hill is pretty much the real deal. He has a law degree and has worked in state government.

And here is what he says: As district attorney for Montgomery County, Ellen Brooks has statewide jurisdiction over state government, which resides in her county. She has, Hill says, criminal jurisdiction over any federal law-enforcement officer who committed perjury or false arrest upon a state officer.

Hill goes on to note that, as a licensed attorney at the time of his conviction, Don Siegelman was an officer of the Alabama Supreme Court and therefore an officer of the state.

Hill worked as an intern for Ms. Brooks in 1997 and says she was not afraid to prosecute government corruption at that time. "Let's see if that is still a true statement," he writes.

You can read about Ms. Brooks here. She is a Democrat. Let me repeat: She is a Democrat.

You can contact her office here.

While we are pondering the issue that Robby Scott Hill has raised, let's allow our imagination to run wild for a moment. Could Ms. Brooks help answer the following questions:

* Did Bob Riley win the governor's office as a result of election fraud in 2002? Riley serves in Montgomery County, so would this question come under Ms. Brooks' purview?

* Did Leura Canary, Louis Franklin, Steve Feaga and other luminaries in the Montgomery U.S. Attorneys Office commit crimes that would come under Ms. Brooks' purview?

* Did Bob Riley, Leura Canary, Steve Windom and others commit crimes in causing a criminal investigation to be launched against Montgomery insurance executive John W. Goff, apparently in retaliation for a lawsuit Goff filed? Would this come under Ms. Brooks purview?

* If Republican officials at the national level--Noel Hillman, Karl Rove--caused Don Siegelman to be wrongfully prosecuted, could Ms. Brooks seek to prosecute them?

* If the eight Republican judges on the Alabama Supreme Court committed a crime against the state by fraudulently overturning a $3.6 billion verdict against ExxonMobil, could Ms. Brooks seek to prosecute them?

And let's ponder a few questions regarding our own Legal Schnauzer case:

* If the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals and the Alabama Supreme Court committed a crime against the state by fraudulently upholding unlawful trial-court rulings, could Ms. Brooks seek to prosecute them?

* If Shelby County judges J. Michael Joiner and G. Dan Reeves were involved in a conspiracy to get the appellate courts to uphold their own bogus rulings, could Ms. Brooks seek to prosecute them?

* If this conspiracy involved Shelby County attorney William E. Swatek, and if his son Dax Swatek played a role in furthering the conspiracy, could Ms. Brooks seek to prosecute both of them?

Perhaps your humble blogger is going a bit overboard here. But I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since these thoughts came to mind.

I'm not naive enough to think all, or any, of this going to happen. But it sure is fun to think about. Praise God for Robby Scott Hill and Novationeering!

1 comment:

  1. "Siegelman held in isolation" The Bush's new GOP network has got to keep Siegelman held captive until after the 2008 election since Bob Riley is being groomed as a possible GOP vice presidential candidate. The GOP operatives are using the prison system to keep him from talking to the media about Gov. Riley's past and Alabama's dirty history of campaign corruption. (a)When Siegelman was Secretary of State and Attorney General, he worked with all branches of law enforcement which investigated sham organizations, Contra drug trafficking, tax evasion and money laundering. The investigations found that much were linked to high ranking politicians in Alabama as well as Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Arkansas. Siegelman is a very smart attorney. He holds two law degrees. He knows more about Alabama's politics than anyone, being the only person in history to have served the top four government offices in Alabama and he has first hand experience of how a White house backed conspiracy works.This is a partial list of the skeletons that they don't want big media to know about:(a)The White House Staff has classified information from Diebold Election Systems, Inc. of Allen, TX.) which was shared with Dan Gans of Riley's staff. This included Diebold software code and registers addresses for each candidate along with passwords and a method of remotely accessing the voting machines. This was used for voter stuffing in several counties in Alabama.(b) Millions of dollars of dirty campaign money was used to defeat Siegelman's Education Lottery and to defeat his gubernatorial campaigns. The money came from big business clients of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Michael Scanlon, Toby Roth, Rob Riley and William Canary.(c) Several different National GOP associations along with some sham organizations ran by Robin Vanderwall, Preston Gates, Ralph Reed, Glover Norquist and William Canary laundered the money so that it wouldn't be obvious who the donors were.(d) The newspaper presses of big media giant Newhouse/Advance Publications (controlled by Billionaire Donald Newhouse) agreed to print articles hand fed to them by top law enforcement and federal attorneys to create a corrupt public image of Siegelman, and other top Democratic politicians.
