Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Value of Citizen Journalism

Thanks to Jonathan Dube for spotlighting Legal Schnauzer at

Dube covers our reporting on the Paul Minor case in Mississippi, noting numerous citations to the blog in documents filed last week as part of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing on selective prosecution.

For those interested in learning more about citizen journalism, is an excellent place to start. The site is packed with valuable information about a citizen-journalism movement that just blossomed over the past three to five years.

Here is a summary of material available at Dube's site.

As we move along at Legal Schnauzer, we will continue to follow developments in citizen journalism. Our tale of judicial corruption is the type of story that the mainstream press seems increasingly to ignore.

And numerous alternative journalists have shown the power of the Web in reporting the news. Dan Rather, Trent Lott, Mark Foley, and Larry Craig are just a few of the prominent public figures who could tell you about the power of nontraditional journalists to break stories and effect change.

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