Friday, November 30, 2007

Trent Lott's "Personal" Problem?

I might be accused of reaching down into the gutter on this one, but recent events (hello Larry Craig!) make me think this story has a whiff of legitimacy.

Blogger Big Head DC is reporting that a male escort has had a relationship with U.S. Senator Trent Lott (R-MS), who abruptly announced his resignation recently.

Big Head DC identifies the gay male escort as Benjamin Nicholas, who did not wish to comment for the record. But the blog says e-mail and other evidence confirm that Nicholas and Lott have "met" on at least two occasions.

Nicholas is denying the relationship, but the story is making the mainstream press, including the Miami Herald.

For several years, word has been that the powerful Lott used his influence to protect brother-in-law Richard "Dickie" Scruggs during a federal investigation that led to the conviction of Paul Minor, a prominent Democratic donor. Now, we have Lott announcing his resignation and Scruggs being indicted all in one week.

Have GOPers learned of the emerging "gay" story and decided to throw both Lott and Scruggs under the bus? Is the Scruggs indictment really about the Bushies trying to distance themselves from another GOP gay train wreck?

Speaking of GOP gay train wrecks, have you seen this site? Makes you wonder just who Jeff Gannon was seeing on all of those visits to the White House. Yow!

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