Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Sickening Case of Animal Cruelty

It's well established that we here at Legal Schnauzer are animal lovers.

My wife and I came up with this blog as a way to honor the memory of Murphy, our miniature schnauzer who brightened our lives so much for 11 years and helped us survive the legal nightmare that is described in these pages.

Our cover schnauzer is a handsome fellow from Australia named Gumpie Poo. (Thanks to Valleyview Dogs of Queensland, Australia.) This blog has attracted far more attention than I ever dreamed possible. And I think a big reason for that is the photo of Gumpie Poo. Who could see the photo of the vibrant, ultra virile Gumpster and not want to come on in and look around?

So I could not help but react with a special kind of rage and revulsion at this story about a beagle that was skinned alive by an alleged human being in Alabama.

The beagle, Anne, belonged to a family in Vinemont, Alabama, and she was skinned alive on her back and side. She was later euthanized. Buttercup, another beagle that belonged to the family, suffered minor cuts, evidently at the hands of the same cretin.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the crime.

If the case ever goes to trial, the perpetrator better hope my wife and I are not on the jury. In fact, I suspect many Alabamians would have a hard time letting this creep get off easy.

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