Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lawyer Saves Schnauzer (and Woman)

We've had some pretty harsh words about certain members of the legal profession here at our humble blog. So it's only fair to sound the trumpets when a lawyer acts heroically.

Paul Geller, of the Lerach Couglin firm in Boca Raton, FL, has indeed acted heroically.

Geller recently saved a miniature schnauzer (and a pregnant woman) from two attacking pit bulls. The attorney was driving his 8-year-old son home from the beach when he saw two pit bulls attacking a woman walking her dog.

"The woman was on the ground, and one of the pit bulls was on top of her," Geller said. "Blood was everywhere."

Geller is an expert in jujitsu--he practices in a room at his law firm's offices--and managed to kick and scare away the attacking dogs. The woman suffered a bite on her face and is doing fine. The schnauzer, Midnight Duke, had to undergo a lengthy surgical procedure and needed about 100 stitches to repair his wounds. He is expected to recover.

Geller is a trial lawyer who specializes in suing corporations who rip off shareholders. I guess a corporate lawyer, in a similar situation, would have started writing a memo on why it would be OK to keep on driving.

Here is Geller's biography from the firm's Web site. I know a few Alabama judges I'd like to sic this guy on.

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