Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bob Riley's Double Standard

We have devoted considerable attention to Alabama Governor Bob Riley's bizarre attack on U.S. Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) following the recent U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing on selective prosecution.

We used the term "irrational" to describe Riley's anger at the notion that Davis might actually fulfill his oversight duty and take a serious look at evidence the Bush Justice Department bases prosecutions on political motives.

Now we might use the term "colossal hypocrite" to describe Blowhard Bob. When the investigative shoe is on the other foot, and Democrats are in the cross hairs, Alabama's governor seems to be all for investigations.

Consider this quote from a February 12, 2002, article in the Mobile Press-Register. It came after reports that prosecutors had subpoenaed the personal financial records of then Governor Don Siegelman. And what did then gubernatorial candidate Bob Riley have to say about it?

"They say 'where there is smoke, there is fire,' and our state government is choking on a lot of smoke right now. Like all Alabamians, I'm tired of all the scandals and embarrassing things our state leaders do from time to time. It's time to clean that place up."

Now read that quote in the context of our recent post, the one about Riley making a call to a north Alabama newspaper publisher to ask him to stop reporting stories about corruption in the awarding of state contracts under the Riley administration. And don't forget this post, about Riley trying to get a second law firm involved in representing the state in the ExxonMobil case, apparently to benefit his son, the omnipresent Rob Riley

Pretty admirable of Blowhard Bob isn't it? Call for an investigation to "clean the place up" when a Democrat is in charge. Sneak around behind the public's back and quash investigations of wrongdoing when a Republican, himself, is in charge.

And maybe Blowhard Bob hasn't noticed, but things look pretty smokey under his administration these days.

1 comment:

  1. Good post.
    The only thing that I think that you need to be enlightened about is that there are still a few conservative Republicans that still line up with the old traditional Republican values, and don't accept Bush's corrupt idea of running our government. These honest republicans are considered outside Bush's circle and they are victimized along with the Democrats. They are falling fast because they are not endorsed by the Bushes and receive little help with campaign finances.
