Friday, October 26, 2007

Standing Up to Blowhard Bob

It's good to see Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Joe Turnham stand up to Blowhard Bob Riley and his irrational attack on U.S. Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL).

Why would Blowhard Bob, Alabama's Republican governor, go after Davis so aggressively? Evidently it's because Davis actually takes his role on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee seriously and is taking an open-minded look at charges of selective prosecution in the case of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and other Democrats. It probably didn't help that Davis entered phone-record evidence to show that an affidavit from Rob Riley, Blowhard Bob's son, was highly suspect.

Turnham called Bob Riley's rant "shrill and unprofessional" and noted Davis' qualifications for looking into selective prosecution. "Not only is he uniquely qualified to speak to these issues, but he has a sworn duty to pursue truth, justice and to see that the rule of law through our constitution is followed. His remarks and actions in those roles have been only professional and indeed courageous. He does not deserve the personal, partisan attacks from Alabama's top Republicans (including party chair Mike Hubbard) that are akin to 'killing the messenger' who seeks the truth."

If Riley wants to be a blowhard, why doesn't he discuss issues related to the lawsuit brought against him by Montgomery insurance executive John W. Goff? And perhaps Riley could explain why, less than a month after Scott Horton of Harper's reported that Riley tried to get the U.S. Attorney's Office to make the lawsuit "go away," Goff now is facing possible indictment on mysterious charges related to a dispute that is four years old and was long ago settled.

No wonder Riley doesn't want people looking into issues related to abuse of the Justice Department.

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